over 10 years ago
1x04 - Magic Bullet+Soundtrack
Lucy[[https://play.spotify.com/track/2dUv9GSsqdFiqlOZdKgxyx|Lucy Schwartz - "My Darling"]] Schwartz - "My Darling"
Scene: Kate driving in her car
The[[https://myspace.com/wildbirdsstreetteam/music/song/shake-shake-14236718-14037902?play=1|The Wildbirds - "Shake Shake"]] Wildbirds - "Shake Shake"
Scene: Allison greets Kate
Research[[https://soundcloud.com/researchmaterial/03-ill-be-true-to-you|Research Material - "I’ll Be True To You"]] Material - "I’ll Be True To You"
Scene: Stiles and Scott talk in classroom
Neon[[https://soundcloud.com/neonhitch/neon-hitch-poisoned-with-love|Neon Hitch - "Poisoned With Love"]] Hitch - "Poisoned With Love"
Scene: Scott and Allison make out
The[[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWh4LW1qe4U|The Constellations - "Setback (Kickdrum Remix)"]] Constellations - "Setback (Kickdrum Remix)"
Scene: Derek doesn't want Stiles to take him home
1,[[https://soundcloud.com/frenchkiss_records/02-scared-but-not-that-scared|1, 2, 3 - "Scared But Not That Scared"]] 2, 3 - "Scared But Not That Scared"
Scene: Scott checks out Allison's hobbies
Miniature[[https://play.spotify.com/track/5hcFSHvw3C8vNqysUMV1z5|Miniature Tigers - "The Wolf"]] Tigers - "The Wolf"
Scene: Allison saves Scott from interrogation
Dan[[https://play.spotify.com/track/082UBCOIFyswldW49b8dyA|Dan Deacon - "Of the Mountains"]] Deacon - "Of the Mountains"
Scene: Allison finds glass