over 10 years ago Current
2x07 - Restraint+Soundtrack
  • [[https://play.spotify.com/track/7DChpUZURZbZj9cqDMJQbO|Oberhofer - "Haus"]] Scene: Allison is in the library
  • [[https://play.spotify.com/track/4Fb5Z7sMoFqdisaJBq7Q4u|Terraplane Sun - "Get Me Golden"]] Scene: Scott's room is ransacked by his mom
  • [[https://soundcloud.com/honorrollmusic/nicky-blitz-hawk|Nicky Blitz - "Hawk"]] Scene: Stiles follows Lydia down the hallway
  • [[https://myspace.com/dadalife/music/song/kick-out-the-epic-motherf-ker-86123440-95402394?play=1|Dada Life - "Kick Out The Epic Mother***"]] Scene: Scott and Jackson fight in the locker room 
  • [[https://play.spotify.com/track/0kItQBBpIfJPDsuaETCNOd|Stepdad - "Warrior (Jungles Part 2)"]] Scene: Scott's mom speaks with Allison's mom and Lydia and Young Peter Hale talk
  • [[https://play.spotify.com/track/3gEClwRG2jfGeBNLsR7twn|M83 - "Coloring the Void"]] Scene: Lydia in her room
  • [[https://play.spotify.com/track/0ekII9O2RfHOivSRY9Bn1U|Flight Facilities - "Crave You (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix)"]] Scene: Young Peter Hale gets kissed by Lydia