about 9 years ago Current
3x13 - Anchors+Soundtrack

[[https://play.spotify.com/track/3tmNAmTnlTWRGbEBVeEmDN|Robots Don't Sleep - "Don't Wake Me"]] Scene: Stiles and Scott discuss their dreams form the night before
[[https://play.spotify.com/track/1hHABYeYDaQUVEanYqB5vw|Wildcat! Wildcat! - "Please and Thank You"]] Scene: Stiles asks his dad about the boxes he's carrying
[[https://play.spotify.com/track/1f0CnNAPyqGfSLaQhhjXf9|Sir Sly - Ghost]] Scene: Lydia helps Allison with her aim
[[https://play.spotify.com/track/2bbEg7rCk4pqoIm9ejd3J6|William Arcane - "Departed"]] Scene: Isaac and Allison make out in Allison's dream