about 10 years ago Current
Oak Creek
Oak Creek was an internment camp for Japanese-Americans during WWII. [[Eichen House]] was one of the buildings within Oak Creek.
Noshiko[[Noshiko Yukimura]] Yukimura was at the camp and would steal goods for the other prisoners. 
The camp's doctor, Dr.[[Dr. Liston]], Liston, stole medicine to sell on the black market, which left the camp unprepared for a pneumonia outbreak. As prisoners started dying, tensions rose and eventually led to a riot. Many people were killed, but the Army tried to cover it up by burning the bodies and transferring those responsible.
Noshiko summoned the nogitsune[[nogitsune]] to help her exact vengeance for the massacre, but the nogitsune did not possess her body as she had planned.
Reference Images
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