over 10 years ago Current
2x02 - Shape Shifted+Soundtrack

[[https://soundcloud.com/artsandcrafts/sally-seltmann-dream-about-changing|Sally Seltmann - "Dream About Changing"]] Scene: Allison gets Scott's Message
[[https://play.spotify.com/track/6KCsZmYnWOyD0AuzA8VAty|Citizens! - "True Romance"]] Scene: Allison and Scott kiss
Example[[https://play.spotify.com/track/2812soKSj3MxRjsXYCAsDE|Marianas Trench - "Truth or Dare"]] -Scene: We Came, We Saw, We Killed The Crowd
Lacrosse practice.
Truth or Dare by Marianas Trench youtube
Scott feels good about this full moon
 [[https://play.spotify.com/track/7cGr5XY2pfj9b4UngCktG0|Gin Wigmore - "Black Sheep"]]
SheepScene: by Gin Wigmore youtube
Lydia returns to school
 [[https://soundcloud.com/dondiablo/don-diablo-example-hooligans|Don Diablo & Example - "Hooligans"]]
WithScene: theLacrosse Trumpetspractice bywhere RizzleScott Kickssniffs youtubeeveryone
[[https://soundcloud.com/rizzlekicks/down-with-the-trumpets|Rizzle Kicks - "Down With the Trumpets"]] Scene: Jackson prepares to video tape himself
 [[https://soundcloud.com/davidcondos/like-wolves|David Condos - "Like Wolves"]]
WolvesScene: by David Condos youtube
Derek and Stiles come up with a plan to distract the officer
Hooligans  (Extended Mix) by Example & Don Diablo youtube
Lacross game, Scott sniffs the players