over 10 years ago
Human Sacrifices+Healers

The first of the sacrifices is the ER attending, unnamed, who never arrived for work. The attending was male. His body is found while [[Sheriff Stilinski]] is taking the report on the kidnappings. [[Aiden]], [[Deucalion]], and [[Chris Argent]] are present at the crime scene. He died of asphixation, though he was not strangled.
The second is [[Dr. Hilyard]], who was taken on her way to work to fill in for the ER attending. When her body is brought to the morgue [[Melissa McCall]] asks [[Sheriff Stilinski]] if she has ligature marks on her neck. When he says no, she shows him the ER attending's body and the deep cuts on his wrists. She believes he was hung by his wrists and eventually ran out of strength to pull himself up to breathe.
The third is [[Dr. Alan Deaton]]. Deaton calls [[Scott McCall|Scott]] as soon as the [[Darach+butterflies|butterflies]][[Darach+moths|moths]] appear in his office, telling him that he's going to be taken and he needs Scott to find him. Deaton is suspended from the ceiling in a [[Beacon Hills First National]] bank vault and surrounded by a [[mountain ash|mountain ash circle]].