Isaac Lahey+Season 3


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Four months later, one night, Isaac is sprawled out on the streets of Beacon Hills, unconscious and heavily bleeding. A mysterious woman of colour revives him with jumper cables and helps him to her motorcycle. Isaac doesn't remember anything and he learns of the claw marks on the back of his neck. The woman explains his memory has been stolen. She gives him a ride on her motorcycle, telling him to hold on. They are chased by two members of the Alpha Pack with super-speedEthan and Aiden. The woman saves them both.


Unfortunately, they are taken to Beacon Hills Memorial after the motorcycle crash. Isaac's wounds are starting to heal. A nurse comes into his room, so he says whether he can just leave, but the nurse injects something into his IV - an anesthetic. Isaac sees she's one of the Alphas, Kali and he falls asleep helpless. Isaac is kidnapped by another Alpha - Ennis. He is saved by Derek and Scott. Isaac was looking for Erica and Boyd as he, Derek and Peter have been looking for them for the past four months.


Chaos Rising

Two days later, Isaac is in Derek's loft where he's currently living. He and Derek are waiting for Peter to perform a mind meld ritual to recover Isaac's wiped memories to uncover Erica and Boyd's location, but Isaac is nervous about the whole thing, alos because he doesn't like Peter. Derek says nobody likes him, but he knows how to do it, Derek. The process yields little results other than they're both going to die by the next full moon which is tomorrow night. 


Dr. Deaton has Isaac have an ice bath to slow down Isaac's heart rate and put him under hypnosis to have him remember more thoroughly. Isaac reveals they're being held by the Alpha pack in the Beacon Hills First National Bank, but Erica is already dead and Boyd is being held captive with another werewolf.



Isaac accompanies Scott and Derek when Boyd and Cora are under the influence of the full moon. Scott decides they need help from someone who knows how to hunt werewolves and brings in Chris Argent to help. Chris says they just need to be contained somewhere safe and Isaac suggests the school's boiler room. They lure the rabid werewolves to the school using Chris' somic emitters. Isaac runs around to the back of the school to ensure they don't escape through the back way. However Allison is there atop a bus, and blinds them using flashbolts driving them back in and she catches Isaac's eye.



Isaac returns to school the next day and Coach Finstock welcomes him back, but he's late. During the cross country team's run on the running track in the woods. Isaac is approached from behind by the twins whose scent he catches. They two Alphas bait him into chasing after them. Scott attempts to restrain him, but Isaac gives chase.


Once out of sight, Isaac loses sight of the more elite Wolves. Suddenly, they appear, rushing him off the path and gang up on him. Scott appears to help Isaac out. Before the four werewolves face off, they hear a scream as the other students have found another body. Isaac is sure Ethan and Aiden had something to do with it, and that they killed the girl who saved him and he's going to kill them. Scott tries to talk him down, but Isaac doesn't and the twins set him up, landing him in lunchtime detention.


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He is to restock the janitor's closet with Allison, much to his displeasure and her miscomfort. He and Allison talk. Allison asks if he's okay as he's claustrophobic from being in the closet. She asks if he told anyone she was at the school last night, when they corralled Cora and Boyd. Isaac counters was he supposed to, and she answers she'd prefer if he hadn't. He confronts her over her stabbing him during the final encounter with the kanima. Allison says sorry. Suddenly, the door is closed shut because the twins had stacked a vending machine against it. The darkness and tight space causes Isaac to flashback to when his father locked him in the freezer. He goes feral clawing Allison, but Scott helps him get his control back. Isaac apologizes profusively. They decide to get back at the twins and get them angry. Scott dismantles Ethan's motorcycle, and Allison helps Isaac set Aiden up to get him suspended, during which they share a look. Scott and Isaac face off against the twins who attack them in their Merged form, but they are stopped by Deucalion. Isaac asks Derek why he's being kicked out of the loft. Derek throws a glass at Isaac - like his father used to. Saddened and soaking wet from the rain, Isaac shows up at Scott's house and asks if he can move in. Scott says yes.



Isaac goes along with Scott in his attempt to broker peace with Deucalion, but the fight between the Packs breaks out, and he and Scott take on the twins in their merged form. The tide is turned when Derek supposedly falls to his death wth Ennis. Isaac drags Scott away from the ledge of the floor.


During the cross country team bus ride to the meet, Isaac sits with Boyd and implores him to stop thinking about Derek. Boyd talks back is he not thinking about it. When Boyd is about to do something to Ethan, Isaac tries to help Scott talk Boyd down. Isaac is worried for Scott when its shown he's not healing from the fight. When the bus is forced to pull over, Isaac angrily beats up Ethan over Danny and Coach's yelling. Scott's yell at Isaac forces him to stop.


Motel California

Because the cross country meet has been postoned, the team stays at the Glen Capri motel for the night. Isaac rooms with Boyd. Isaac begins to hear his father's voice from a memory of his father torturing him. He begins arguing with the voice of his father. When he closes his eyes in fear and opens them again, he hallucinates being inside the freezer he was locked in throughout his childhood. He lets out a tortured scream which is cut off when the freezer closes. He's seen under the bed in his room cowering with fear and is sweating profusely. Stiles takes out a road flare stick from the bus and places it to his face, snapping Isaac out of his hallucinations, saving him.



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Isaac takes shifts with Scott in watching over Melissa at night after the Darach starts targeting healers. She catches them both asleep. Melissa shouts them both awake, calling on what are they doing in her room, and that they were both asleep. Scott calls his fellow Beta out he was on watch last. Isaac admits he "might have been on watch last". Melissa amusedly calls them "my heroes" and tells them to get to school.


Isaac and Boyd call in sick at school. They head to the loft, saying they're here to "protect Derek", because Kali would be coming to Derek to take revenge for Ennis' death. Isaac says Boyd has a plan. Boyd tells of the time he and Erica were wired up with electricity by Gerard. Boyd floods the loft and electrifies the water. Isaac says this woud be effective for "someone who's barefoot". The plan fails as the Alphas cut the power supply. Isaac and Boyd are forced to stay on the sidelines, as the twins had Jennifer hostage. Isaac receives a text from Stiles: it says GO. Isaac makes his move rescuing Jennifer just as the power comes back on, but everyone is struck with grief as Boyd is killed.


The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Allisoncatches Isaac when he's perched out on her window sill. She grabs him, yanking him through the window, throwing him through the floor and holding a ring dagger to his throat before realizing it's him. Isaac tells her she wasn't at school. She realizes Scott sent him to check up on her. Isaac says he's worried about her. With the dagger still at his throat, she flirtingly replies she can take care of herself and he replies he's noticed.


Isaac bewilderdly asks Allison she thinks her dad is the darach. She says she doesn't know yet or she hopes not at least and asks him is he going to help her. Isaac says yes, he's only trying to get all the cards on the table. They discover the five fold knot symbol beneath her dad's map of Beacon Hills. They see each of the offerings labeled in invisible marker - Virgins, Warriors, Healers, Philosophers and Guardians. Allison calls Stiles to tell him to tell his dad as Guardians has to mean law enforcement and they learn of Mr. Westover's abduction from the school. Convinced her dad is the killer, Allison takes out the map of the abduction points in the telluric currents. Isaac follows the current and pinpoints Mr. Westover's location in the industrial estate.


Isaac and Allison arrive at the estate in her car. They remain on the alert. Isaac says he smells blood. They spot Mr.Westover as he's strangled by the darach. Isaac dives to protect Allison as she moves in. Suddenly, Chris Argent appears appears behind them and opens fire on the darach but the dark druid escapes with Mr. Westover dead. Isaac breaks up Allison's arguement with her dad and they realize the darach is targeting Philosophers and they head to the school recital. They are shocked by the peculiar orchestra. Isaac covers his ears in pain when Lydia's banshee scream rips through the air. As the piano player's throat is slit they notice mistletoe streaming out of the victim's throat.