The Cyclones won their game, but rather than celebrating, Scott tries to figure out where Stiles is. As the team floods into the boys locker room, Allison stumbles into Scott. They look at each other awkwardly, and then Allison smiles and tells him he was awesome on the field. "Thanks, you too," Scott replies, and then realizes it was a dumb thing to say. Allison covers for him by telling him she did do some pretty awesome cheering. She's cute and full of smiles, and it's almost like they're back to where they were. One of Scott's teammates interrupts, and Scott glares at him until he goes away. Chris Argent then comes in and leads Allison away.
Jackson comes up to Scott and tells him he sympathizes. Not only that, if Scott can get him turned into a Werewolf, Jackson will help him get Allison back. The winter formal is soon, and in three days people are going to start asking each other to the dance.
After Scott has showered, Danny calls over to him that his apology is accepted. Scott's confused, and Danny clarifies that every time Scott got the ball during the game he passed it to him. "Every time I passed the ball to you, you scored." "Apology accepted," Danny says again. As soon as everyone else is out of the locker room, the lights go off. Scott tries the switch, but the power seems to be out. A lacrosse ball rolls across the floor, and he goes to pick it up. It leads him toward the showers, where he finds Derek looming. Scott is happy to see him, but Derek just stares over his shoulder as Peter steps out into view holding a lacrosse stick. Peter waxes about the history of lacrosse and then tells Scott that he needs his help. Scott replies that he's not helping him kill people. "Well, I don't want to kill all of them," Peter replies. He even adds that it doesn't have to include Allison.

Stiles comes running into the boys locker room to tell Scott they have a huge problem, but he's clearly a little late. Peter and Derek have both cleared out.

Jackson speeds through the warehouse district. He swings the car around, just doing doughnuts, when it comes to a sudden stop and the check engine light comes on. He gets out of the car, annoyed, and out of nowhere Chris Argent pulls up close by.
Allison and Lydia are in the Beacon Hills Preserve. Lydia complains about this errand that Allison has her going on, since she's walking through the woods in high heels. Allison then asks Lydia if she's okay with her going to the winter formal with Jackson. Her expression says that she's aware how much Lydia will be upset by this news. In fact, the only reason she brought it up was because she knows about Lydia kissing Scott in Coach Bobby Finstock's office.†

When Jackson leaves the car, Chris pulls a device off the engine and pockets it. The car starts up fine, then. When Chris is gone, Jackson asks them if they're following him. Scott yells at him for almost giving away everything. "He thinks you're the second beta! He thinks you're me!" Scott punches Stiles's Jeep in anger, much to Stiles's dismay. He then explains to Jackson that now he has to keep an eye on him so Chris doesn't kill him. Jackson turns the tables and claims that it's all Scott's fault. Stiles stops the fight from escalating. Scott tells Jackson that he won't be able to protect him because he can't protect anyone, and he gives Stiles a meaningful look.
Scott insists that Jackson doesn't want this gift, but Jackson fails to see how running really fast and being able to hear everything is bad thing. Scott tells him that half the time he's running really fast it's away from people trying to kill him. He says it ruined his life. Jackson thinks that it ruined Scott's life because he didn't know what to do with the powers that he got. Jackson gets in his car and drives away.

Allison turns and shoots her taser straight at Scott. He falls down in pain, and she apologizes. She then asks him what he's doing there, and he tells her that her dad told him she runs that trail sometimes. He then gives her back her pendant, telling her that he found it at school. He asks if she thinks he's a stalker, but she says no, just weird. They grin cutely at each other, and then Allison gives him a hug. He watches her as she walks away.

The Sheriff keeps talking and reveals that all the crimes are connected. The bus driver was an insurance investigator sent to the Hale House, "Terminated under suspicion of fraud," Stiles reads. The video store clerk† was a convicted felon with a history of arson. The two that were killed in the woods† also had a history of arson. Stiles agrees with his dad that they all must be connected to the Hale House fire. He offers his dad more whiskey and pours him another tumbler full.
Scott gets home and listens to a voicemail from Mr. Adrian Harris. He didn't hand in his paper, but he has another 48 hours. Someone knocks, and Scott thinks it's his mom. It turns out to be Allison.

The doorbell rings, and Melissa tells Scott to answer the door and talk with her date for a few minutes while she finishes getting ready. As Scott is about to answer the door, he can hear a heartbeat on the other side that makes him pause. He backs away from the door as his mom yells at him to answer it. The door opens on its own, and there's noone there. When Scott looks away and looks back, Peter Hale appears in the doorway.

Scott tears apart his room, promising Allison that he'll be back. He finds his keys and insists to her that there's nothing he wants to do more than talk to her. He asks her to stay, and she agrees.
Derek leads Jackson out of the school. Kate is there watching them, confirming her suspicions about Jackson.

Stiles gets yelled at by Scott's mom, while Peter has a long distance conversation with Scott. He tells him that they're going to kill Jackson, and Scott takes off to find him.
Derek brings Jackson to the Hale House. He tells him to go in. Jackson asks him what's inside the house. "Everything you want." When Jackson opens the door, Derek claps him on the shoulder and tells him everything is going to be all right. "This house... it's the same house," Jackson says, and Derek's demeanor changes. "What'd you say?" "I've dreamt about this place. I remember the staircase, I remeber these walls, I remember everything." Derek asks him if he's been there, and Jackson tells him it was just a dream. As he turns around, Jackson realizes that there's no one else there and no one else coming. He backs away and pleads for his life. Derek tells him that if he deserved to live someone would be there trying to save him.
Then Scott announces himself and leaps down the staircase to come between them. Derek threatens to kill him, too.
And then a flash bomb arrow explodes nearby. Jackson scurries away, while Scott gets shot with an assault rifle. Derek sees Scott bleeding and tells him to run, but Scott is coughing up blood and doesn't move. Derek dodges bullets to haul Scott to his feet and throw him away from the hunters. Derek opens the front door to confront the attackers himself.
Allison gets a text from Kate while she's waiting for Scott. Scott, meanwhile, stumbles through the woods, his wounds apparently from wolfsbane bullets, as they are smoking. Allison gets tired of waiting and leaves.

- Foxy Shazam - "Unstoppable" Scene: Scott looks for Stiles after the game and runs into Allison.
- Dan Deacon - "Of the Mountains" Scene: Scott wakes up on the locker room floor after seeing things from Peter's perspective.
- Those Dancing Days - "Help Me Close My Eyes" Scene: Allison dreams of Scott and looks for her necklace.
- New Medicine - "The Takeover" Scene: Jackson driving.
- Alexi Murdoch - "Towards the Sun" Scene: Scott gives Allison her necklace and they hug.
- Jamaica - "Short and Entertaining" Scene: Stiles pours his dad another drink
- Alexi Murdoch - "Through the Dark" Scene: Stiles's dad tell him he misses his mom; Scott and Allison sit on his bed trying to talk.
- Methods of Mayhem - "Fight Song" Scene: Jackson's workout
- Dead Man's Bones - "Lose Your Soul (feat. the Silverlake Conservatory of Music Children's Choir)" Scene: Derek talks to Jackson; Scott leaves Allison in his room.
- Mikky Ekko - "Who Are You, Really?"Scene: Kate shows Allison the family secret.