Allison Argent+Season 3


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Allison has spent the summer with her dad in France. She  returns to Beacon Hills in time for the start of junior year. She and Lydia are catching up as they're out driving one night. Lydia asks her about dating, but Allison didn't see anyone while she was away. They stop at a stoplight, and Scott and Stiles pull up next to them. Allison is taken aback, saying she can't see Scott now. She and Scott pretend not to see each other, although Stiles makes that impossible by rolling down the window and calling out to them. Allison asks Lydia to run the red light and just drive.


Lydia does, but notices that Stiles has slammed on his brakes and stopped his own car behind them. She stops thinking something is wrong, and a deer runs into her car and breaks the windshield. The girls get out of the car, while Scott and Stiles run up to inspect the damage.


The next morning, Chris comes into Allison's room to check on her. He's worried that she's still too shook up after the accident to go to school, but Allison insists that she has to go because she promised Lydia that she'd drive her.


Later at school, Allison and Lydia are at the lockers, and Lydia comments on the new freshmen that she has to choose from. Allison reminds her that it's okay to be single. Lydia replies that she doesn't want a boyfriend, she wants a distraction. Just then, Ethan and Aiden walk into the school.


In English class, the only available seat for Allison to take is in front of Scott. He awkwardly invites her to take it. Later in class, Allison gives Scott a note asking if they can talk, but before he can answer, he's called away to the hospital by his mom. After Scott leaves, the class gets attacked by a flock of birds. In the aftermath, Chris arrives to see if Allison is okay.


In the school hallway, Allison and Lydia are approached by a woman they've never seen before. She asks for Scott, and when they don't help, leaves matching marks on Allison and Lydia's wrists. At the Argents' new apartment, Lydia is helping Allison assess paint colors. When they hold chips up against the wall, they realize that the marks on their arms are identical but reflected, although they have no idea what it means.


Chaos Rising

The next night, Allison and Lydia go to find Scott to show him the bruises. Lydia doesn't think it means anything, but Allison is positive. They find Scott outside of Heather's house and show him the symbol.


At school the next day, Scott brings Lydia and Allison together with Derek at the school, but Derek doesn’t recognize their marks as any type of symbol. Allison is cold towards the Alpha. Derek is not impressed that this is Scott’s attempt to help, pointing out that Lydia resurrected his psychotic uncle and Allison tried to kill him and his pack. Stiles comments that there was no death, which is an “important distinction,” but Allison comments that her mother died. Derek fires back that it was her family’s honor code that killed Victoria, not Derek himself. Scott tries to advocate for the girls, and Derek’s response is that maybe Scott should actually tell Allison what the situation was when Derek bit her.


Later, Allison and Lydia are studying in the library and Lydia comments that she wants one of the twins, the straight one. Allison realizes that the mark could be a symbol not a logo looking at Lydia’s coffee cup as she exchanges numbers with one of the twins.


Allison tells Lydia about her discovery that the symbol on their wrists is the logo of the abandoned bank. She tells Lydia she can’t bring her home, and there are bolt clippers in the trunk. 


Allison heads to the bank and enters. A figure pins Allison to the wall. It’s Ms. Morell. The teacher tells Allison that something big’s about to go down and she needs to get in the storage closet and lock it before it’s too late. She says Allison will know when it's time to come out.


Derek and Scott break into the vault in the bank that night to discover that Boyd and a new werewolf, Cora, are feral from lack of shifting. They attack Derek and Scott. Ms. Morrell seals the werewolves inside the vault and leaves. Allison hears the fight, and comes out. She breaks the mountain ash seal on the vault against Derek’s warning, and both Boyd and Cora run out. Derek is furious, explaining that now the two of them are going to go kill anything they can find. Allison refuses to feel guilty, telling him that she’s not the one turning teenagers into killers. He replies that “No, it’s just the rest of your family.” Derek includes her mother, and Allison doesn’t understand. Derek tells Scott that he needs to tell her why exactly Derek felt forced to bite her. Allison, never realizing there was anything to tell, wants to know as well.



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Later that night, Allison sits in her car, remembering the conversation she had with Scott about what really happened the night Derek Bit her mom. Victoria was trying to kill Scott and make it look like an accident, and the conversation is interrupted by Derek walking in with Erica’s body in his arms. Upon reaching a resolution, deciding to take up and use her abilities once more, Allison opens her glove compartment and pulls out an arrow head.


Allison decides to help hunt Boyd and Cora on her own. While Scott goes to Chris for help, Allison is already out in the woods trying to draw the werewolves to her. She cuts her arm, knowing that the smell of her blood will attract them. Even though the others don't know it, Allison follows their plan to trap the werewolves in the school. When Boyd and Cora try to go over the school, she uses flash bomb arrows to herd them inside. Isaac sees her but doesn't tell anyone that she helped.



Some time later, Allison is in French class. Ms. Morrell is doing phonetique with  when she notices Allison sleeping in the back. Allison does not wake until she hears her mom’s voice, and Morrell asks her if she’s tired in French. Her class laughs at her and Allison apologizes. Morrell stops to talk to Allison and suggests that maybe they should talk in guidance. Allison changes the subject to what happened at the bank. Morell tells Allison that she won’t give her lunch detention if she can name the French word that’s also used in English that could describe their situation. Allison doesn’t know, and Morrell tells her that the word is impasse.


Allison ends up sharing lunch detention with Issac. They are told to restock the janitor’s closet together. Isaac is uncomfortable with this, probably since they haven’t interacted since the whole showdown in the warehouse where she stabbed him with her daggers.


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Isaac and Allison enter the closet and Isaac is immediately set on edge by the small space. Allison asks Isaac if he told anyone that he saw her at the school. It seems as if Allison is apologizing for what happened before the door shuts and Isaac begins to panic. The vending machine has been placed against the door so even Isaac can’t get it open. He begins to pound on the door anyway, having flashbacks to the freezer. He eventually shifts and attacks Allison before Scott gets them out and gets Isaac under control. Allison’s right wrist has been cut up, but otherwise she’s okay. Isaac apologizes profusely although neither Scott nor Allison blame him.


In order to get revenge on the twins, Allison hotwires Aiden's motorcycle. Allison gives him a very quick tutorial on how to operate the bike. She shares a close look with him. The three of them succeed in getting the twins angry, as well as getting Aiden suspended.



Scott is confronting Allison about a titanium arrow that he found at the school. Allison insists that she can take care of herself. They begin to discuss if Allison could actually take a werewolf in light of the new alphas in town. For a moment in seems like play-fighting is going to lead to kissing, but Allison backs off. Scott proves his point when he easily pins Allison against the wall, and Scott begins to feel guilty. Scott closes by saying that his goal was to warn her about the alphas, not dominate her.


Allison has an arguement with her dad regarding the alphas trying to kill her friends. Chris tries to convince her to stay out of it. Allison responds she can't stay out the supernatural happenings in town because that's just saving herself and she could use a few friends.


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Allison inconspicuously appears at the abandoned warehouse during the battle between Derek's Pack the the Alphas. She'd apparently followed Scott to his talk with Deucalion. The much stronger Alphas have them outmatched, and at their feet. Allison fires flash bomb arrows, incapacitating the twins freeing, Isaac and Scott. She fires several more in rapid succession, distracting the Alphas, giving time for others to regroup and escape. She witnesses Scott as he faces off against Ennis. She notes Scott managing to match Ennis in terms of strength, and Scott's eyes briefly glowing Alpha red.


The next day, the cross-country team is heading out of town for a meet. Allison and Lydia are following the bus in Allison’s car. Lydia points out that Allison’s car is running on fumes. Lydia realizes that Allison’s realized that she’s involved with Aiden. Lydia swears that nothing’s going on.


When the cars are piled up, Lydia’s phone rings, and she tries to pretend that they’re at a movie, but Stiles knows they've been tailing them the whole trip. Scott was wounded in a fight with the alpha pack, but he isnt' healing and apparently the blood around Scott’s wound is now turning black. Allison says that Stiles needs to convince the Coach to stop at the rest area.


Allison and Stiles get Scott into the bathroom. The blood in the wound is entirely blackened, and Scott’s beginning to fade. Lydia suggests that it’s psychological. Stiles pieces together Scott thinks Derek died in the fight with the alpha pack, and he's not letting himself heal because of guilt. Lydia suggests that they just need to stitch him up and make him believe that he’s healing.


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Stiles and Lydia leave to get Scott’s bag and make sure the bus doesn’t leave as Allison prepares to stitch Scott up. Allison tells him to stay with her as he begins to fade away. She has difficulty with threading the needle while worrying about Scott. She is beginning to get visibly upset. Allison imagines what her mother would say to motivate her. She hears her mother’s voice, chastising her for her failure. Allison attempts to thread it again. She gets frustrated. She hears her mom's overbearing voice scolding her. Then "Victoria" reminds her daughter how do you approach a situation with someone needing medical attention. Allison responds, "Clinically and unemotionally." Taking a deep breath, Allison finally gets the needle threaded and begins to stitch Scott up.


Scott has no reaction. Allison finishes the stitching, and finally gets through to Scott. When they're all on the bus, Scott thanks Allison for being at the fight. Allison, remembering Scott's eyes glowing Alpha red, takes a moment looking at his eyes.


Motel California

The bus pulls up to the Motel Glen Capri. Lydia has a really bad feeling about the motel, but Allison, her chosen roommate, somewhat dismisses it.


In the shower, Allison calls out to Lydia asking if she was able to get new towels. Scott walks in, and Allison quickly wraps the shower curtain around herself, asking Scott to leave since she's clearly busy. Scott makes no move to do so, stating that he's "seen her naked before." Allison becomes worried because Scott is acting really strange, but just as Scott goes to reach for the shower curtain, he realizes what he's about to do and leaves, with Allison concerned.


When Lydia returns tells Allison about the suicide counter at the front desk. Lydia starts to hear two people talking about guns, but Allison doesn't hear it. The sound seems to be coming from the vent. The voices agree to shoot on three, say that they love each other, and then shots are heard. Lydia realizes that she just heard a couple commit suicide by shooting each other. She and Allison go to the next room, but there's no lights on. The room is empty, and it seems like it's being renovated. They find a construction light, and Lydia tells Allison more about what she heard. Allison insists that she believes Lydia, and Lydia sees two screaming figures in the wood paneling. When Lydia brings Allison back to the front desk the number has changed to 201. They realize that this must mean that three more suicides are about to happen. They text Stiles.


Stiles, Lydia, and Allison talk about what they’ve discovered. Lydia thinks it’s the motel causing so many suicides and pulls the Bible out of the room’s nightstand. In it, Stiles finds several newspaper clippings about suicides in that very room. They go back to the room next door and now it’s locked. They plan to leave, but then they hear the rotary saw turn on. Ethan has it and is bringing it to his stomach. Stiles fights him while Lydia unplugs it. Ethan simply unsheathes his claws and Stiles dives at him again. They both stumble into the heater, and suddenly Ethan snaps out of it.


Stiles, Lydia, and Allison chase after Ethan, who’s refusing to tell them anything. They decide to split up, knowing that they need to get the Werewolf out of the motel. Allison goes to Scott and Stiles’s room, but it’s empty.


Stiles, Allison, and Lydia finally find Scott in the parking lot. He’s doused himself in gasoline and is holding the last flare. Scott says that there’s no hope for him or Derek, who he thinks is still dead. Allison tells Scott that Derek wasn’t his fault, but Scott counters that whenever he actually tries to help people just get hurt or get killed. Stiles tells Scott that this isn’t him, but Scott insists that it is. He believes that this is the best thing he could do for everyone else.


Scott talks about what it was like before he was bitten, when him and Stiles were “nothing” and “no one,” and states that “maybe he should just be no one again” before lifting the flare. Stiles steps forward telling Scott that he’s his best friend, his brother, and that he needs him. He steps into the puddle of gasoline around Scott and grabs the flare, telling Scott that, “If you’re going to do this, then, I think you’re just going to have to take me with you.” Stiles takes the flare and throws it behind him. Lydia notices the flare rolling back toward the puddle of gasoline and runs towards Scott and Stiles, tackling them to the ground as the gasoline ignites. In the fire, Lydia sees a figure in a cloak, and chanting is heard.


Coach Finstock gets on the bus in the morning to see Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Boyd, and Isaac all already on the bus. Apparently the meet has been canceled.



A few weeks later, after two people have been taken as human sacrifices, Allison sends Scott a text telling him that she found something he has to see. Scott goes to the Argents' apartment. Allison was looking through her father's things when she found a black light. The elevator dings before she can explain what it is. Her father, Chris Argent's, arrived. She herds Scott into her closet. She motions for him to stay quiet, and he nods.


Back in the closet, Scott gets an erection. Allison orders him to stop, but he says he can't. Allison turns around, trying to make the situation but, but Scott tells her "That's worse." She smiles and giggles turning back around. The two of them almost kiss when Scott stumbles back, afraid the noise will arouse Chris's suspicion. They hear a door close and exit the closet. They enter Chris's office, and Allison brings Scott over to the map.  She explains that Chris tried to cover it last time she was here. Scott doesn't see anything until she holds the black light over it. Chris has been tracking and marking everything, the Darach's kills, Cora and Boyd's lock up, the alpha fight. There are more marks on the map than there are sacrifices. She thinks that Chris knows where the bodies are going to be found.


Later that day, Allison goes to see Gerard in the convalescent home.



A couple of days later, Allison and Scott visit Gerard. He turns around in his wheelchair and rolls up his sleeve, asking Scott to give an old man something for his pain. Allison tells Scott that he doesn't have to do this, but it's Gerard price for telling them what they want to know.


Gerard is interested to learn that there was a third healer sacrifice after Scott saved Deaton. Gerard points out that it's almost like Deaton was expected to survive, since the sacrifice happened so quickly. He posits that Deaton is the Darach. Scott is adamant that Deaton would never let anyone innocent die. Gerard tells him that he would be surprised how far some people would go to get rid of Deucalion. "Or someone like you?" Allison adds. Gerard laughs because he doesn't go particularly easily. Gerard tells them that Deucalion may have lost his eyes, but he's not always blind. 


The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Around a week later, Allison and Lydia are waiting at the school for Stiles and Scott to arrive. Lydia explains that it was the same thing as what happened with the pool. "I got in the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here. Scott then sees Tara dead on the high school sign.


The next morning, Allison is at home, still under the covers, faking being sick. Her dad asks her about the recital to honor all the people who have been killed. Allison says she isn't feeling up for it, but she's just playing him. As he leaves, Chris tells her to take as many days as she needs. As soon as Chris closes the door, Allison whips off her covers to reveal that she's fully clothed. She gets ring daggers out of a case in her closet. She on her way out the door when she hears a sound out the window behind her. She turns, dropping her coat, and throws the window open. She drags Isaac inside, throwing him to the floor, and holds the dagger to his throat. "What do you think you're doing?" "You weren't at school." She asks if Scott sent him to check up on her, and Isaac explains that maybe Scott's worried her. "I can take care of myself." "Yeah, I've noticed. More than once." They smile at each other.


Allison explains to Isaac about the map. Isaac asks if she think her dad is the killer. She doesn't. She hopes he isn't. She shows him that there are 5 more bodies to be found, but it doesn't say who the bodies are. Isaac steps back from the desk. When Allison asks what he's doing, he says that it's something he learned from his father. "Take a step back. Look at the whole picture. Sometimes you see things you wouldn't notice if you were up close when all you're looking at are the details.


Allison steps back from the map and bumps into Isaac. "Look at that, you see that?" she says. She moves the map and reveals a five-fold knot on the top of the desk. Isaac grabs her hand and moves the blacklight she's holding over the knot. It reveals: virgins, warriors, healers, philosophers, guardians.


Allison calls Stiles to tell him about what they found. She also tells him guardians was on the list, which she thinks must be law enforcement. Stiles is driving Cora home. "Stiles, you have to tell you dad," Allison says. "Tell him whatever you need, but you have to get him to believe." Stiles agrees and tells Cora that he's going to need her help.


Allison gets a text from Scott telling her that Mr. Westover is missing. "I have to stop him," she says. She's convinced now that her father is the killer. He knows everything and has everything mapped out. Allison pulls out her map of the telluric currents. If Mr. Westover was taken from the school, then there must be a corresponding point on the telluric current where he will be sacrificed. They find a new circle on the map and decide that that's where they need to go.


Isaac and Allison find the place where they think her father has Mr. Westover. "Really don't think we should call Scott?" Isaac asks. Allison tells Isaac to stay behind her and stay quiet. "Ooh, this is so not gonna end well," he says before he gets out of the car to follow her.


They walk into a large, empty building. "FYI, if your dad tries to kill me, I'm gonna defend myself," Isaac says. "If my dad tries to kill you, you'll be dead," Allison replies. Isaac stops suddenly because he smells blood. She asks what direction it's coming from, but he tells her he's not that good at being a Werewolf yet. He thinks it's coming from straight ahead. Allison starts to head that direction over Isaac's objection. They can see Mr. Westover and the Darach. Isaac tackles Allison as Chris comes out of nowhere and starts shooting at the Darach.


Chris emtpies his clips and slides in fresh ones. He orders Allison and Isaac to cut Mr. Westover down. Allison realizes that they were wrong about these sacrifices being Guardians as in law enforcement.


Allison confirms that her father was tracking the killer on his own the whole time. "And I was this close," he says as he polices his brass. "Could've caught him if the two of you--" Allison is incredulous that this could be her fault since he's the one who's been lying for the last 2 months. Chris doesn't think she's been very truthful either. Isaac suggests they have a family spat later because there's still one more teacher that's going to die.


The Argents arrive at the school. Allison and Isaac run into the auditorium. At the recital, the musicians pound away at their instruments, playing like they are possessed. The pianist strikes the right note, and the piano string snaps. It slices her neck open. People scream and start running. Allison runs up toward the stage.


Allison stays with Lydia while Scott and Stiles take off to tell Derek about Ms. Blake. Isaac meets up with her in the hallway. He asks how Lydia is. She's got bruising on her neck and is being taken to a different hospital in Beacon Hills since Beacon Hills Memorial is being evacuated. Isaac is surprised that the storm is that bad. Allison further explains that the backup generators at Beacon Hills Memorial might not be able to handle it if the power goes out. Isaac is concerned about leaving Cora alone with Peter and insists on going to the hospital even after Chris shows up to take the two of them home. Allison gives her dad a look until Chris agrees that they'll all go.


Chris, Allison, and Isaac arrive at the hospital. Allison asks Isaac if he can catch any scents, but the heavy rain is washing everything away.They move through the hospital. Chris cocks his gun, which Isaac takes as a bad sign. Isaac hears something below them and gets on the floor to listen better. He hears two pairs of footsteps. They manage to find Scott and Melissa.


Chris, Scott, Melissa, Isaac, and Allison discuss Derek and Jennifer being trapped in the elevator. There's no way to get them out without turning the power back on. The problem with that is that the sound of the elevator will draw the alphas to Derek and Jennifer, and they have to avoid fighting the alphas. Scott insists that Jennifer's life is too important to risk because she's their only way to save Stiles's dad and Cora.


Chris says he isn't sure which teacher this is. Isaac tells him she's got brown hair and is kinda hot. Everyone stops to stare at him. Allison looks at her own reflection and claims to have an idea.


Isaac is in Chris Argent's car. He has a video chat open with Allison. She asks if he's ready and he says yes. She asks if he's nervous. "Do I look nervous?" Allison lies and replies that he doesn't, then sets the phone down. "Did he look nervous?" Chris asks Allison on the other end. "Terrified," she answers. "Yeah, I can still hear you, very, very clearly," Isaac says to them. He's supposed to drive as soon as he sees the twins in the phone's camera.


The twins check around but think they're on the wrong floor. They hear footsteps of a woman running and race to find her. As soon as Isaac sees the twins, he guns the car. Kali leaps out of a window and lands  just as the twins follow Allison out of the hospital. Allison turns and fires some arrows. Chris opens fire with his pistols as well.



A couple of weeks after their sacrifice to the nemeton, Allison grabs her purse as she hurries out the door. She gets in the elevator, but when it opens, it lets her out into an abandoned hospital hallway. She steps out into the hall. Momentarily, a second Allison wielding ring daggers appears in the background, but vanishes. The door to the morgue opens on its own, and she goes inside. The door closes behind her, and one of the freezer doors swings open, beckoning her to come look. The tag on the door says Kate Argent. Allison hears her aunt's voice and remembers both their good times and when she saw Kate murdered. She looks in the freezer, and it's a tunnel that goes back impossibly far.


As she peers down the shaft, something starts moving. Kate is suddenly clawing her way toward Allison, screaming in rage. Allison slams the door shut and runs. When she bursts through the morgue doors, she's at school just as the bell rings, utterly bewildered as to how she got there. She stares around in shock, and Lydia comes up to her and asks her if she's okay. Allison nods unconvincingly


She and Lydia meet up with Stiles and eventually Scott. It's clear that none of them are okay. Allison complains that they're not crazy, but Lydia snarks and disagrees.


Allison is having a difficult time in Art class. They're painting, but she can't keep her hand steady. Lydia comments on it, and Allison says it's been happening for the past few weeks. Allison throws the brush down in frustration, and red paint splatters on the canvas. It reminds her of Kate's blood splattering on the window when Peter cut her throat. Lydia tears the canvas off and orders Allison to start over. She watches Allison closely. Isaac also watches from across the room.


Lydia takes Allison out to Beacon Hills Preserve to try to help her. She tells Allison to shoot a few arrows and see what happens. Allison misses by a wide margin every time. Lydia suggests trying a Mongolian draw. Allison does, but the results are the same. Lydia asks Alison to close her eyes and imagine the arrow going to the target.


When Allison opens her eyes, she sees Kate running through the woods. She tells Lydia to wait there and goes off to follow the vision. Allison doesn't go very far, but suddenly she doesn't know where Lydia is and hears Kate calling her name. She turns and continues to see Kate running through the trees. Allison spins, and it's suddenly night. She knocks an arrow, and the corpse of Kate comes at her. Allison fires.


Isaac catches the arrow before it goes into Lydia's face. It is daylight again.


Allison is stunned and drops her bow.


The next day during a free period, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, Stiles, and Scott sit outside and talk about the situation. Scott asks what happens to a person who has a near death experience and comes out of it seeing things. "And is unable to tell what's real or not," Stiles adds. "And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives," Allison says. Isaac quips that all those people are locked in asylums for being insane.


Kira appears at their table and says that she overheard them talking about their symptoms. She says that it sounds like they're talking about bardo, the in between state between life and death. Allison asks what the final state is if bardo has progressive states. Kira tells her you die. None of them look very happy.


That night Allison is in bed, with Isaac kissing her neck. She asks if Scott's okay with this, and he replies that Scott's 90% over it. She asks again to make sure, and Isaac assures her that Scott's moved on so she should too. Isaac sits up to take his shirt off, and Allison runs her hand up his chest. She frowns at him and asks what's around his neck. He feels for the cord wrapped around his throat, and it suddenly tightens. Kate appears behind him, pulling the garrote. "Let's do him, Allison," she says. "Let's do him together." She jerks the garrote tighter, and Allison finds a ring dagger in her hand.


She gasps awake. She and Lydia fell asleep while studying. Allison lies back down and finds something digging into her back. She pulls out a ring dagger.


At school the next day, Stiles and Scott show Allison a map of where they found Malia Tate's den. She confirms that Malia isn't likely to go back to the den because coyotes don't like wolves.


After school, Allison gets a tranq gun. Dr. Deaton gives Scott some vials of Xylazine, a horse tranquilizer. They should expect it to work within seconds on a werecoyote. He warns them that they only have three chances, so whoever is using the gun has to be a perfect shot. Scott replies that Allison is a perfect shot, but Isaac corrects him. "She used to be." Scott's sure she can do it.


Later, Allison and Isaac are getting the tranq gun ready. She asks him if he thinks they'll be able to home in on Malia. Isaac assures her that he's got a lock on Malia's scent, which is kind of strong. He hands her a bottle of the Xylazine and a syringe and then watches as she gets so shaky she drops the bottle. She kneels down to pick it up, and when she gets up, she's in an operating room.


Allison sees a body under a sheet and pulls the sheet back. It's her. Suddenly she is the person on the table, and a bunch of people in scrubs stand around her. Her aunt Kate is there declaring the ME said the cause of death an animal attack, but they need confirmation by autopsy. Allison's chest is cracked open and spread, revealing her organs. Kate reaches in and pulls out her heart. She says there's definitely something wrong with it and throws it out. The rest of the people in scrubs take off their masks and reveal werewolf fangs. They close in on Allison and start to feast.


Isaac calls Allison's name, and she comes back to herself. She has the tranq gun pointed at him. She apologizes and sets the gun down. He says it's better than ring daggers anyway. She asks how she's supposed to help anyone when she's like this. Her hand holding the bottle is still shaking. Isaac takes her hand in his and asks her to let him help.


Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, and Isaac head out to Beacon Hills Preserve. Scott hears a gun shot from the direction of the Tates' house and jumps on his bike. Isaac and Allison take off after him.


Isaac runs through the woods and gets caught in one of Tate's traps. His scream affects Scott, and Scott falls off his dirt bike. Allison catches up with Isaac as he tries to pry the trap off. Instead, he points out Henry Tate to her. She takes aim but starts to shake. Her first shot misses. Isaac tells her to breathe. Tate takes aim at Malia. Allison whispers her new Code to herself, "Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux même." She uses the Code as her anchor. She fires and hits Henry Tate with the tranq. Malia gets away but Scott eventually catches her.


Some weeks later, a killer named William Barrow escapes custody during a surgical procedure and goes to the school looking for more kids with glowing eyes. Stiles explains about the surgery gone wrong as he, Isaac, Lydia, and Allison look for Scott. When he mentions the tumor in Barrow with live flies, Lydia stops dead. Allison turns to her to ask what's wrong. Lydia says that all day she's been hearing buzzing. 


They are convinced that Barrow is still at the school, even though the police cleared the building. Allison breaks out of the school so she can start looking through the bestiary. She reminds Stiles and Lydia that it is literally a thousand pages long. Lydia reminds her that the word she's looking for is musca, which is latin for fly.


Allison sits in her dad's office reading through the bestiary. She hears a thumping outside and stands up, ready to fight if necessary. There's zapping and loud yelping, and she smiles a little. Isaac appears in the doorway. "Electrified the windows?" "Yep." "Didn't wanna... say anything about it?" "Nope." He heads in and offers to help, by which he means look at pictures since he can't read Latin. He hits a key on the keyboard, and the imagine of a red demon mask comes up. They both stare at it.


Allison and Isaac go through her findings. She says flies can carry messages to the dead. Isaac says all he found was Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies. They are sitting very close together, and Allison turns to look in Isaac's eyes. He leans in to kiss her, but she stops him. "Are you serious?" He plays dumb and claims he wasn't trying to kiss her, but then admits that maybe he was. Allison hops up off the bed and protests too much how she would never kiss another Werewolf. Isaac doesn't believe her and declares that he won't ever kiss her either. Then he takes off his shirt. Allison stares at him a second and then takes her own shirt off.


Chris Argent walks in and the both of them quickly grab their clothes and put them back on. Chris tells Allison he wants to see her in his office. "Where I keep my guns." He shoots Isaac a look. "Another Werewolf!" Chris shouts as soon as Allison is out of the room.


While they are fighting, the power goes out and the door to Allison's room suddenly slams shut. She and Chris start pounding on it, telling Isaac to open it.


Allison and Chris finally burst through the door to find Issac cowering on the floor, freezing and shaking. Chris tells Isaac that he needs to shift to trigger his healing. He slaps him a few times in the face, then punches him. Isaac's eyes flash yellow, and he growls. He comes back to himself, crying, and scrambles away from them. He asks if they saw the five figures. Isaac says he could see the eyes of one of them, they were greenish yellow, like a firefly. Chris gets up and checks the window. The security system wasn't triggered. Allison asks how they got in, but Isaac says they came out of the shadows.


Allison thinks her father knows something, but he won't say what. He asks them to keep the attack quiet for 24 hours. Isaac clearly wants to tell Scott, and Allison isn't happy about keep this secret. She says they could have killed Isaac. "But they didn't. And I think there was a reason why. I think they might have been after me," Chris says.


The next night Isaac and Allison arrive at the loft for Danny's party. Everyone is painted and dancing. "Derek can never know about this," Isaac says as they look at everyone. Allison looks stunned.


Scott, Stiles, and Kira show up at the party. Scott takes Kira's hand and smiles at her, until he sees Allison.


Allison and Isaac stand next to each other off the dance floor. Isaac asks her if she told Scott what happened. "No, we still have a couple of hours, remember? We promised my dad." "You promised your dad," Isaac clarifies. He says he doesn't like keeping secrets from Scott, and he doesn't just mean the Oni. Allison says they're just standing there awkwardly waiting for someone to notice them and then Isaac likes to make things incredibly uncomfortable. Isaac thinks Allison is mad. "I'm not mad." "No?" "No." "Okay."  "I'm frustrated." "Sexually?" She just looks at him and laughs.


Allison heads over to the glow paint station. "Do you want to talk about Scott or do you want to paint my body?" she asks Isaac. He votes for painting her body.


Isaac and Allison hold hands and dance closer. They're about to kiss when Allison notices something behind Isaac's ear. She pulls him to the storage room to get a better look. It's reversed number 5. They find Ethan on the floor, shaking like Isaac had been when the Oni attacked him.


Isaac breaks Ethan's arm to trigger his healing. They find the same reversed 5 symbol on Ethan and Lydia.


After Derek breaks up the party and sends everyone home, Isaac, Allison, and Ethan arrive from the back room. The Oni attack Aiden and then turn on Kira. Everyone faces off against them, but they don't have to fight because the Oni vanish as the sun rises. Isaac tells Allison that they're filling everone in.


Allison attempts to call her dad, but her call goes unanswered.


Isaac, Allison, and Scott find Chris passed out in the hallway. Allison stitches up her dad's wounds while he tells them about his previous encounter with the Oni when he was a young man. He watched them kill a man, though he doesn't know what kind of creature the man was. He thinks another survivor, a man named Katashi, might know. He got beat up trying to track Katashi down.


Chris has an idea how to draw him out. Katashi  likes antique weapons, so they're going to try to sell him an old Argent heirloom. He takes out a French flintlock turnover pistol from 1645 housed in a plastic display case. Allison declares that her father isn't going alone. And Isaac adds that if Allison is going, so is he. Chris isn't terribly comfortable with this plan. Isaac believes that the Oni are going after Scott next because he's the one they were looking at when the sun came up.


Chris, Allison, and Isaac are sitting in the car outside Katashi's estate. Chris gets a text telling him that Katashi won't do the exchange in person. "He's a paranoid recluse, shouldn't you be a little less surprised?" Isaac asks. Chris replies that he was trying to remain optimistic that they wouldn't have to go to his plan B.


Chris shows Allison a blueprint of Katashi's estate. Isaac calls over to them and says that this isn't going to work because he looks ridiculous. "I look like I just stepped out of the last period of a Catholic prep school. and there is no way that i am going to be able to remember all this, I mean, what does this even mean? Revolving over and under barrels?" Allison and Chris exchange a look. Chris says he just has to keep Katashi's men talking long enough for them to infiltrate the building. Allison assures Isaac that he looks great.


Allison asks her father to give them a second. She pulls Isaac around to the back of the car and assures him that he can do this. "You're not a boy if you walk in there acting like a man, Go in there with confidence and all they'll see is a boyish-looking man." Isaac continues to doubt himself, so Allison kisses him. She moves his hand down to her ass and then asks him how he feels now.


Chris and Allison take out some guards, while Isaac shows the buyers the gun. Allison disarms Mr. Katashi as she enters his office. She uses a chain whip to grab the gun out of his hand. Chris asks again if they can talk. The werewolf guard brings Isaac into the room with his claws at Isaac's throat.


They convince Katashi to talk to them by showing him a broken Oni mask. He tells them that the Oni are a force of nature that you must endure, and Allison asks how you endure it. Isaac already has. The mark by his ear is proof that he is still himself.


Allison calls Scott and advises him to let the Oni perform their test. Scott takes her advice.


A couple of nights later, Allison wakes up to Isaac pounding on her door. When she opens it, he asks, "What the hell have you been doing?" "Sleeping. What the hell are you doing?" Isaac asks her if she got any calls or texts, and Allison discovers that her phone is off. This is strange because she never turns her phone off. She turns it on and gets a flood of messages. Isaac tells her that they found Stiles a few minutes ago.


Allison notices a lot of strange calls and voicemails. She plays one, and it's someone speaking Japanese.


They go to the school the next day and Allison and Isaac ask Ken Yukimura to listen to the voicemails on her phone. He says that the man speaking is giving instructions. Ken Yukimura says that the recording is fake because it mentions Oak Creek as the internment camp, but there was no such camp.


After Stiles has his MRI at the hospital, Allison and Isaac drive over to meet up with everyone else. The wire from the roof breaks and starts sparking everywhere, and an ambulance knocks over a fire hydrant, covering the parking lot in water. Allison and Isaac get out of the car and start walking toward the water, but Isaac shoves Allison out of the way. The water rushes over his feet, and he falls, electrocuted.


Two days later, Allison is still waiting in the hospital outside Isaac's room. He wakes her and asks if she's been there all night. "Yeah, they won't let me see him 'cause I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any." Melissa says he's got them and she's got a key card. She opens the door to Isaac's isolation room and tells them to be quick.


Scott and Allison walk forward cautiously, and Allison takes Scott's hand. They approach together. Allison wonders why Isaac isn't healing from the burns. Scott thought he'd be healing too. Scott touches Isaac's blackened arm. "Is he in pain?" Allison asks. Scott nods and draws some of the pain out until it hurts so much he can't stand it. Allison looks worried for them both.


Allison gets suddenly serious and asks if Stiles really caused all this. "Whatever's controlling him did it." "Well then how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?" Scott tells her that he's working on it.


After Lydia spots Peter at the school talking to her mother, she has Allison accompany her to Derek's loft to confront Peter. "While it's smart to bring me with you, I still think the rest of this is totally insane," Allison says. Lydia explains that she's been a colossal failure at using her powers and she wants to know if Peter can really help. "Peter doesn't offer help. He offers a chance for you to be manipulated into giving him what he wants," Allison counters. Lydia is fine with seeing what Peter wants.


Peter tells Lydia that Allison has to go, but since the last time Lydia was alone with Peter she almost died on the lacrosse field, she's thinking Allison is going to stay. Peter claims that he wasn't trying to kill her. She was his backup plan. Plus the Bite brought out her banshee powers. Allison says that he attacked her and nearly killed her. She grows tired of his excuses and tries to pull Lydia out of there, but Peter tells them something useful to keep them from leaving. He offers to tell them more in exchange for something.


Allison holds up one of Talia's claws. Peter explains that before Talia died she stole a memory from him. "That memory is locked inside those claws." He wants Lydia to tell him what it is.


Peter orders Lydia to focus, but she's frustrated. He tells her that her hearing is attuned to a level of the universe that no one else can hear. "I am trying." "Try harder." Peter growls and lunges for her but Allison stops him with an electrified baton to the throat. He turns on her and takes out his claws. "Your aunt had one of those," he says to her. Peter tries to antagonize Allison, but Allison just stares at him calmly. Lydia orders them to both stop. "Didn't help her much as I ripped her throat out." "She didn't shove it up your--"


Lydia yells at them to stop it and throws the claws. They sail across the room and embed in a pillar. Lydia can hear crying and voices. She learns that Peter has a daughter.


Peter advances on Lydia demanding to know more. Peter accuses her of lying. He grabs her, and Allison hits him with the electrified baton, knocking him to the floor. "Now we're leaving," Allison says, and grabs Lydia's hand.


Out in the car Allison and Lydia pull up pictures on their phones. Lydia has a photo of Malia Tate. They compare it to a photo of Peter and declare Malia to be Peter's daughter.


After Chris and Derek are arrested for Katashi's murder, Chris calls Deaton to find out how his trip to Japan went. Allison and Scott are listening in on the call in Deaton's office. Deaton tells him that the yakuza never found the scroll that describes how to exorcise a nogitsune. Deaton did find out that Kincaid was the last man who purchased it. Allison recognizes that as the name of Katashi's bodyguard. She asks what a scroll would look like. Deaton hands her a scroll, and she asks if they come in different sizes. "Any size," Deaton says. Allison knows where they should look.


Allison lets Scott, Ethan, and Aiden into the apartment. She explains that all the evidence is being moved to federal lock-up by armored car. Ethan is incredulous that they're going to rob an armored car. Lydia explains the plan, but no one particularly likes it. Allison rallies everyone and insists that they need to stop the armored car because Katashi's silver finger will be in there.


That night Allison observes the armored car outside the sheriff station through the scope on her crossbow. She tells Kira that she's up, and Kira takes the GPS that she has to attach to the car. Kincaid unexpectedly bursts out of the armored car, and it turns into a fight. Kincaid smacks Allison across the face, sending her flying into a wall. Lydia rushes to help her up. The twins end up subduing Kincaid enough for them to get the scroll.


The night after the nogitsune escapes from Eichen House, Allison and her father are recruited by Sheriff Stilinski to help capture it. She leads the Sheriff, Chris, and Derek into Chris's office, explaining that she's gathered every non-lethal weapon she could find. Chris says to take all of it. Allison tells them the places where the nogitsune has been showing up, but Derek argues that they've done this hunt before. Allison wonders if they should wait fo rhim to come to them, but the Oni will try to kill him at nightfall.


Allison sends Chris and Derek to Eichen House try to pick up a trail, while she and the Sheriff head to the hospital.


Allison and the Sheriff are in the elevator at the hospital. The Sheriff tells her that he doesn't know how she does it, always being so strong and fearless. She even manages to keep her grades up. Allison admits that she's failing Econ, and the Sheriff says he'll talk to Coach about that.


Allison can't keep a lid on her emotions any longer and starts to break down. The Sheriff quickly stops the elevator. She admits that she's not fearless. "I'm terrified. I'm always terrified. I act like I know what I'm doing, but I don't. I don't know if Isaac is dying right now. I don't know if I made a mistake with Scott. I don't know what my dad is thinking. I don't know if we should trust Derek. I don't know... I don't know anything."


As she starts to cry, he pulls her into a hug. "You know what's funny? You sound just like a cop." It makes Allison laugh a little. They part, and she gathers herself back together. As the Sheriff goes to turn the elevator back on, his phone buzzes with an alert from his home security system. He had cameras and motion detectors installed after Stiles started sleepwalking.


The Sheriff brings up the feed from the camera, and the nogitsune is sitting on Stiles's bed. He waves his fingers slowly.


Chris, Derek, Allison, and the Sheriff go to Stiles's room. They look at the chessboard and ask what it is. The Sheriff explains that it's how Stiles first explained to him about the supernatural. Allison thinks it could be a message from Stiles.  Chris picks up a piece labeled Isaac, which has been removed from the board. Derek asks, "You think there's any reason my name's on the king?"


Allison says that the message is that the nogitsune is waiting for them at Derek's loft. "This couldn't sound any more like a trap," Chris says. The Sheriff doesn't think so. He thinks they just need to come up with a new joke.


Allison, the Sheriff, Chris, and Derek go to Derek's loft to confront the nogitsune. The Sheriff tries to handcuff him, but he just breaks them off. Allison tries to taser him, but he catches the wires and pulls the weapon from her hands. Chris threatens to shoot him, which the nogitsune finds delightful. Allison shouts at her father to stop and realizes that all the shouting is just what the nogitsune is after.


Night falls, and he tells them that they're actually there to protect him. Oni appear, and the four them close around the nogitsune to protect him. After not much of a fight, the Oni and nogitsune all disappear.


Chris and Allison arrive back at the apartment. Allison asks her father if he was really going to shoot Stiles. "To be honest, I'm not sure," he says. She tells him to check the firing pin, and he realizes that she removed it, which is why his gun didn't fire. Chris grins and tells her that's why the women are the leaders in their family. He's proud that she took the decision from his hands.


Allison goes to her room to find Isaac sitting on her bed. He tells her that he wanted to see her, but she's concerned that he just walked out the hospital. "It's okay. I feel a lot better." Allison touches his face where the burns had been. She says giving him the alarm code was a bad idea, and then they kiss.


The next morning Allison wakes up to find that Isaac is already awake and inspecting her bag of weapons. She explains that most of them are non-lethal. Isaac holds up a ring dagger and says that it looks pretty lethal to him, but he advises that she keep them because there are still a few creatures out there that aren't quite so non-lethal.


Allison starts to get concerned. She thought they were giving the twins a second chance. Isaac replies that they don't deserve it. Allison still insists that they don't have to leave killing as their only option. Isaac takes the bag of weapons. Allison throws off the covers to follow him to discover that he's handcuffed her ankles together around the foot board of the bed.


Later, Chris Argent is on the phone with Allison. She tells him that she thinks Isaac went to the school and she couldn't catch up. She and Kira find Isaac ready to burn the twins. They attack him, then lock themselves in Coach's office while Isaac and the twins fight each other.


Kira and Allison decide they need to stop Isaac and the twins. Allison reminds Kira not to kill. "I was just going to try to stay alive," Kira replies. They head out.


Kira fights Ethan and slices him across the chest. Allison shoots Isaac, but he just pulls the bolt from his chest and keeps coming. She kicks him out of the way. She can't reload fast enough to fight off Aiden, so Kira tosses her the katana. Kira picks up the crossbow, and they back up until they're both standing next to one another.