In recruiting for the pack, to supplement their power, Deucalion chose and lead other alphas who were the leaders of their respective packs to kill them all off to augment their own status, similar to him, or other shapeshifters with unique talents and have them become alphas. Overtime, the Alpha Pack became feared for their heinous reputation, becoming the most fearsome pack throughout the mid-west, that even other packs strode to stay out of their way and evade them, and they were a high-profile target for hunters. The alphas carried out the job of taking notice of developments in the supernatural underworld, such as a new alpha rising.
The Alpha's symbol bears a resemblance to the triskele. The notable difference is that rather than each branch spiraling, symbolizing movement, revolution, and change, each branch is straight, angular, suggestive of a dead end.
In Season 2, the alphas arrive in Beacon Hills, California, following up on the word that Derek Hale was a new alpha. They followed up on information regarding all the supernatural events taking place in the town. In Season 3, Deucalion and his alphas worked on attempting to recruit Derek, but the Alpha Pack leader later redirected his attention to Scott McCall on learning he had the potential to be a True Alpha, wanting such a unique shapeshifter in his ranks. The alphas finally met their match when Jennifer Blake, a darach or a corrupted druid, carried out her revenge against them, breaking them apart and in the three way skirmish between Deucalion's alphas, Jennifer and Scott's allies, the Alpha Pack disbanded.

"I AM THE DEMON WOLF!!" - Deucalion to Derek Hale.
"Become the alpha you're meant to be. Become a killer." - Deucalion to Scott McCall
"Pain. Life. Power. In that order and only that order." - Deucalion to Theo Raeken
The alpha werewolf called Deucalion, prior to the series, was the lead alpha of his pack, allies with Talia Hale, and Marin Morrell served as his emissary. He once sought peace and a better future between hunters and werecreatures, but was betrayed, then blinded by Gerard Argent. Eventually, he turned power-hungry and ruthless, killing all of his pack, subsuming all their power. Over the years, Deucalion formed a new pack comprised only of alphas for his new cause, including similarly augmented alphas Kali, Ennis, then later the twins. In Season 3, Deucalion is the leader of his Alpha Pack whom are present in Beacon Hills, California targeting the supernatural members supposedly intending to recruit Derek Hale. His actual plan is to acquire Scott McCall, the most unique of canine werecreatures, a True Alpha. To this end, Deucalion employs his alphas to gain leverage on Scott's allies, orchestrates a plan of assault against Derek, while simultaneously manipulating them, betraying and killing Ennis. He and his pack then redirect their attention to the darach, Jennifer Blake whom is committing human sacrifices in a move against him. He finally draws Scott into fighting Jennifer with him as pack members. In the three-way struggle between Deucalion himself, the Darach, and Scott and Derek's allies, he is finally defeated but gains his sight back due to Derek and Jennifer's actions. Deucalion witnesses Scott's rise to True Alpha, is reminded of humanity, aligning with Scott and saving the lives of the Darach's final sacrifices. He is spared by Scott and Derek on the condition he redeem himself. Deucalion honors his reprieve and reforms, paying the mercenary Braeden to rescue Derek from captivity by the Calaveras. In Season 5, Deucalion is tracked down, captured by the chimera Theo Raeken and his pack of chimeras amongst the carnage caused by the Dread Doctors and the resurrected Beast of Gevaudan. He puts himself out as having resumed his villainy and is blinded again, casting a vendetta against Scott. Theo wishes Deucalion teach him how to steal the beast 's power, and in return he'll help him get revenge on Scott. He shows Theo the secret to steal the power from another. It is revealed that Deucalion had in truth sabotaged Theo having been working with Scott all along to chip away Theo's hold over the chimeras and pay off his debt to Scott.

After he was betrayed, framed and suffered the loss of his pack and his sight, he became angry and more vicious. When one of his Betas tried to take his power in liue of his failure, he slowly became corrupt at the realization he could still see with his werewolf vision and that he could subsume his Beta's power. All this took Deucalion down a dark path.
As leader of the Alpha Pack, Deucalion is narcissistic, ruthless, obsessive and power-hungry. He is proud and diabolical to the last detail. Deucalion is a charismatic leader, but also a manipulator skilled in planting hooks into people he covets for his pack then bringing out the darkness in people, turning them into killers. He has an eloquent cutting intelligence as he proves to be a mastermind capable of orchestrating tactical plans of physical and emotional assaults against his enemies. Deucalion will kill anyone in his way, even his own, to further his personal agenda.
After having his sight restored, thanks to Derek outwitting the Darach, and being spared by both Scott and Derek, Deucalion changes has reformed as he pays back both Derek and Scott back by hiring Braeden to rescue Derek from the Calavera hunters and sabotaging Theo Raeken respectively. He remains a masterful actor as he convinces Theo of his apparent returned dastardedness that he wishes to take Scott out, undermines Theo's hold over his pack and successfully convinces Theo that he's rendered helpless whilst being held hostage.
Powers and abilities
Deucalion speaks with a British accent. He wields a four-section cane that doubles as a dagger and a spear.
Deucalion, the lead alpha werewolf in a pack of alphas has exhibited the pinacle of a werewolf's power. His super-strength, speed, abilities and shapeshifting are unequaled. Though he's blind, Deucalion is actually able to see with his werewolf eyes. His defeat at the end of Season 3A and the loss of his pack severely broke his power, but his eyesight is restored by Jennifer Blake's magic.
Deucalion became an alpha werewolf by 1977. According to Gerard Argent, he had bitten a hunter from the Argent family, Alexander Argent.

Deucalion proposed the idea of a peace proposal with the hunters to the renowned alpha Talia Hale. He urgently pleaded Ennis not to send a message for vendetta, reasoning a war between the two powers will not end "at an eye for an eye", and in the end the packs will end up no better than the hunters. Ennis refused to listen, carving the spiral into the wall of an abandoned distillery, declaring revenge.
Deucalion, wishing to avoid further bloodshed, pushed further for his peace proposal, seeking out Talia and her emissary Alan Deaton's guidance before a meeting with Gerard Argent. Whilst Deaton admired his willingness to extend an olive branch, they both advised him against it, saying Gerard may not be the person to accept it, because of his bloodthirsty nature. They demanded however, he meet the hunters on equal grounds.

With Deaton's assistance, Deucalion's eyes healed, but his sight didn't return. The alpha was broken, enraged, demoralized at Gerard's monstrosity and his failure. At that moment, Marco, believing the blinded alpha wasn't fit to lead anymore, and hinted at being furious over their loss, told the older wolf he was alone, moved in to kill him and take over. Deucalion, partially shifting, realized he could still see with his werewolf vision. He reacted quickly, snarling, then viciously mauled and killed his treacherous beta.

Along the way, Deucalion went on to murder the rest of his pack, subsuming all of their powers. Deucalion then wished to assemble the "perfect pack", one which consisted of wolves only of alpha status, with himself as leader. Months later, he'd recruited fellow alphas Ennis and Kali to his new violent cause, assembling the Alpha Pack. In order to become one of his pack, they'd had to kill all of their previous pack to absorb their power, as well as their emissary. Overtime this new pack became the most feared and dominant from all around, and Deucalion, for his heinous legacy, came to be known as "the Demon Wolf"+++.
Later on, Deucalion came across a set of twins, Ethan and Aiden both of omega status staying with an infamous pack, all of whom were killers. He sought the the twins due to their ability to merge. He taught them how to control the talent, and after the two killed their way up the pack and killed their alpha both rising to alpha status, they joined Deucalion's pack out of repentance+.
Prior to the end Season 2, Deucalion's pack had arrived in Beacon Hills, were contacted overtime by Marin Morrell to serve as their Emissary, and having taken notice of Derek Hale's rise to alpha status. The lead alpha however, took notice of Scott McCall, becoming aware the young beta had the potential to be a True Alpha.
Deucalion's Pack then cornered a lone Erica and Boyd, and captured them to use in their plans for Derek+.

He asks Scott to hit the button for the second floor which Scott complies. Afterwards, he asks the young man if he wouldn't mind helping him around as a guide for a while. Scott reluctantly complies with the man placing his hand over the teenage beta.

The lead alpha observes his prey with a dangerous smile. He serenely walks over and kneels before the woman. He touches Braeden's face; he compliments her beauty, though he acknowledges her bravery. A bleeding, unflappable Braeden talks back at the depraved werewolf, saying she knows his fear of Scott's potential.

Deucalion: "I'm aware of a certain potential threat. But then someone once taught me a very smart way to eliminate a threat: "Get someone else to do it for you.""
Braeden: "Derek."
Smirking, the lead Alpha raises his claws then fatally slashes Braeden. It is revealed later that the mercenary had in fact survived with scars from Deucalion's claws+.
Chaos Rising
The Alpha Pack is stationed in the Beacon Hills First National Bank to spring the trap for Derek Hale anticipating he'd rescue his betas. Once Derek and Scott breach the bank's vault's wall, and the full moon-induced-homicidal Vernon Boyd and Cora Hale savage them, Deucalion has Marin Morrell seal the mountain ash barrier on the perimeter of the vault.

Deucalion: "Don't kid yourself, Marin. It's not the first time you've gotten your hands dirty."
The head alpha then takes his emissary's arm as she escorts him out of the bank.

Deucalion: "Everybody done? 'Cause just listening to that was exhausting. So ... let's chat."
Derek gasping in pain, demands Cora be let go. Deucalion motions at Ennis as a gesture of good will. Deucalion scolds Derek for insinuating he's there to kill him, lecturing the younger alpha that he has far more "vision", even for a blind man, making conversation. After Kali suggests that he speed things along, just in case Derek were to die, Deucalion outlines the hazard with being in a pack of only alphas: "Everybody wants to make the decisions."

Deucalion: "Do that and I won't have to ask you to kill the others ... you'll do it on your own.
The sociopathic Deucalion gives a speech explaining the Alpha Pack's rule of entry. He bring up the everyday rule that a pack is only as strong as its members, unfolding and flexing out his four-section cane. He recalls a time that after he lost his eyes, a beta of his tried to usurp his position as alpha, assumed he was unfit to be the alpha anymore and so Deucalion killed him, folding one section of his cane.

Deucalion: "I took the individual parts and became a greater individual whole."
Deucalion then touches and examines Derek's face. He remarks his resemblance to his mother, then tells Derek they'll get to know each other as he did with her.

Deucalion: "Know me? You've never seen anything like me. I am the alpha of alphas. I am the apex of apex predators. I am DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS. I - AM - THE DEMON WOLF."
His roar has shattered the lenses of his glasses, remarking he hates when that happens. Having handed their proposition, Derek is freed, and Deucalion and his subordinates walk with confidence out of the loft, with Kali guiding Deucalion.

The alphas' leader silently walks up to them. The Merged werewolf is immediately submissive. He dissolves, separating back into the individual twins. Deucalion sharply slashes their faces with the concealed dagger in his cane for their breaking rank. They follow him out of the high school.
Scott is at the building housing the Argents' apartment after visiting Allison Argent. He heads into the elevator, and just as the doors close he sees that Deucalion is in the elevator with him.

Deucalion: "Come on, Scott. Put those away. I'd have to be blind, deaf and quadriplegic for you to be an actual threat."
The blind alpha offhandedly studies the teenage beta and puts him through a test. He hears Scott's steady heartbeat, noting although Scott is afraid of him, he's controlling the fear. He then plays with Scott that maybe the beta should "rise to the occassion", kill an alpha and become one. Scott replies that he's not a killer, that he doesn't have to kill people. Deucalion answers while he doesn't now, situations where the only way to save one's life is to take another.

Scott: "What do you want?"
Deucalion: "I want to see what you're made of."
The elevator stops and residents walk in while Scott quickly slips out. Deucalion nonchalantly asks for someone to hit the button for the penthouse where he and his pack are living.
Deucalion is eventually contacted by Scott who tries to diffuse the bad blood between the two packs. He arranges for he and the lead alpha to meet and talk at an abandoned superstore.

Derek: "Him. Just him."
Deucalion: "Just me? Now, how does a blind man find his way into a place like this? All on his own?
After Deucalion speaks, the rest of the alphas come out of their hiding places and converge upon the smaller betas. Deucalion broke the rules of his meeting with Scott as well.
The atmosphere is tense and quiet for moments. An obstinate Derek makes the first move, targeting Deucalion, but Kali swiftly knocks him back. A full-on fight erupts between the two packs while Deucalion, serene as ever, observes from the escalator. The super-powered alphas make quick work of Derek and his betas.

Arrows, flashbangs, suddenly rain down on all around the assembled werewolves. Deucalion orders his Alphas to cover their eyes. As both Packs recover, a standoff occurs between Scott and Ennis. Both Wolves ram into each other - Scott matches Ennis' charge with equal super-strength and afterwards he briefly sports the red eye color of an Alpha which Deucalion catches.
With Derek and Ennis falling off the edge of the floor to their apparent deaths two floors below, the battle ends with Packs dispersing. Ennis is alive and has been brought to Alan Deaton's animal clinic for treatment.

Deucalion then lies to Kali and the twins, telling them that Ennis died from his injuries. His goal is now to enforce his Pack's own code: Derek has to join their Pack in repentance for Ennis' death or he must die+. To this end, he entices a vengeful Kali to push Derek into this corner.
In Beacon Hills high school, Deucalion is in the music room. By tapping his cane against the teacher's desk in a fixed rhythm, he discretely sends a message to Scott, luring him to the music room. He knows Deaton has been abducted by the Darach. He compares Scott's situation with a tempo being set, but a metronome is missing thus the rhythm is not steady. He offers to help Scott recover his "metronome" - helping Scott find Deaton.

Scott leaps at the Alpha taking him on. He tries multiple acrobatic feats against the older werewolf, but Deucalion outmaneuvers and outmatches him at every turn. Deucalion then takes out the dagger in his cane and stabs Scott.
Deucalion commends Scott on his abilities, but reminds Scott that Deucalion isn't the one who's kidnapping and sacrificing innocent people. But his Pack does want Derek dead however, reminding Scott of Kali's vendetta. He lets Scott know the chances are that someone is going to die. Unafraid, Scott demands that Deucalion tell him where Deaton is. Amused, Deucalion tells him a very important clue instead: "Let the current guide you."
The Overlooked

Deucalion and Kali come upon Melissa McCall who curiously pulls the former's cane out of the wall. From behind, he takes the cane out of her hand and gives her his thanks. Melissa nervously realizes she's talking to the bad guy. The Alpha humors her, saying she has no idea of how much of a bad guy he is. He takes her hostage.

When they don't comply, Deucalion's Pack track Jennifer throughout the building. Kali gives chase on Jennifer and Derek. They escape into the elevator. Deucalion, however is prepared for this as he turns off the power generator, leaving the elevator stuck in the shafts.
He thanks Melissa for her cooperation. Melissa asks him what does he want with her now. Deucalion answers she's his gesture of good will and lets her go, telling her to go find Scott and advises her to be careful, to her confusion.
Kali mocks Deucalion that he has a soft spot for Scott. Deucalion answers her the young Beta is an investment he's trying to mature. He tells Kali while they're talking about the soft spots, he requests they talk about Jennifer Blake. He's aware Kali has recognized Jennifer is actually her former emissary Julia Baccari.

The lead Alpha goes on to cajole her on how harmless Julia looks now. Kali arrogantly admits there might have been a moment of when she was sure Julia was still fighting for life that she could have finished her off or just walked away and let someone she loved die in peace. Deucalion mockingly tells Kali his heart bleeds for her, but scolds her that Julia's could have bled a little more.
Deucalion listens to Scott's allies as they plan how to get Jennifer and Cora out of the hospital right out from under his Pack's noses.

Up on the hospital roof, a terrified Scott calls out for his mother. Deucalion arrives, telling Scott Jennifer took his mother, because as a parent, Melissa is a Guardian. The Alpha tells him he could have told him what 'Guardians' meant. Deucalion makes his terms clear: Scott joins his Pack and help him catch Jennifer; he'll help Scott rescue his mother and Stiles' father.
With a heavy-heart, Scott complies, ignoring Stiles' protests. Scott follows Deucalion into the night. Later on, Deucalion lets out a howl to tell the others to retreat.
Alpha Pact
Deucalion's Pack are tracking Marin Morrell as they know she is the same as Jennifer, a Druid Emissary. Deucalion, with Scott in tow, follow upon them.

Kali and the twins have cornered Morrell who's cast a mountain ash circle. Deucalion interrogates Morrell how she knew the Pack would come for her. Morrell tells her former Alpha she was aware that he's always been suspicious of what druids could do and that their reliance on her has been questionable because they know she hired the female warrior (Braeden) who rescued Isaac from them. The Alphas want her for information on Jennifer. Morrell replies she knows nothing more than they know.

The lead Alpha remarks "the lies people will tell when begging for their life". He then uncaps his cane and throws it into Morrell's shoulder knocking her over her circle.
The Alphas advance on Morrell, but Scott intervenes, tells his new Pack members no and to back off. In the end, Morrell's life is spared.
Lunar Ellipse

Deucalion meets with Scott atop Lookout Point at the night of the full moon and the lunar eclipse as Jennifer plans to kill all the Alpha Pack when werewolves everywhere are simultaneously powerless and she has already killed Kali and the twins are dying. Scott comes up with a plan. He leads Deucalion to the same abandoned building where Ennis declared vengeance. Scott sends a MMS video to Jennifer of the spiral carved into the wall knowing it's her true intent.
Scott and Deucalion wait. Jennifer arrives, along with a pressured Derek in tow. Jennifer had promised him the kidnapped parents if he would be her Guardian. Deucalion amusedly calls the standoff "brother against brother".

"Did you gather your herbs? Pray to your ancient gods and your oak trees? Slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice twelve innocent people just to face me? Or is it fifteen, now?"
The Demon Wolf then advances on Jennifer and shapeshifts into an ominous-looking demonic werewolf shape. Scott, Derek and Jennifer are terrified at this display.
Derek makes the first move, shifting and roaring. The newly regressed Beta werewolf attacks Deucalion, but the Alpha swiftly blocks Derek's strike and left hand, being easily outmatched, and the Demon Wolf knows it.
Jennifer moves in and directs a telepathic blow at Deucalion. He easily resists and shakes the blast off. Cackling, the Demon Wolf then, in the blink of an eye, catches both she and Derek by the throats and lifts them both up. He knocks Jennifer down and duels with Derek again. Derek is overpowered and the Alpha easily flings him aside.
Jennifer advances again, but she's thrashed twice by Deucalion, and is then incapacitated. Scott has been motionless the entire time.

Deucalion runs out of patience and rushes over to Scott, grabs him and forcefully walks him over to Jennifer, saying maybe Scott just needs a little guidance. Scott tells Deucalion to wait, that he forgot to tell Deucalion something he learned from Gerard: "Deucalion is not always blind."
Scott sneaks three flashbangs out of his pocket, and throws them against the floor, setting them off. Able to see in his werewolf form, Deucalion is now truely blinded by the devices. His new disability lasts until the lunar eclipse arrives.
Deucalion panics when the eclipse arrives, knowing he's lost his advantage. Jennifer has disappeared. She later reappears in her actual form, the Darach.
Jennifer has the power now and ruthlessly attacks, pummels and thrashes Deucalion, who's unable to do anything. He lays on the floor barely cognizant from his head injury. Jennifer prepares to give the Demon Wolf the final blow, but Derek stalls her by telling Jennifer that Deucalion doesn't know the price she paid from his bringing Kali into his Pack. Jennifer acquises, playing into Derek's trick to have Deucalion actually see what happened to her.

When Jennifer removes her hands, Deucalion blinks and is astonished, surprised, shocked that he can see again with human eyesight.
Jennifer then demands that Deucalion look at her to see the result of his crimes, before she kills him. The depowered Alpha looks at her scarred, depraved, dehumanized face, to his horror. Jennifer however has been rendered weak by her healing him, as Derek had intended.
When the lunar eclipse passes, and Jennifer recovers her power, she casts a mountain ash circle. Soon her quintuple sacrifice will be complete, and then she won't need a lunar eclipse to kill even Deucalion. Scott however takes action and forcefully pushes against the mountain ash, fully determined to stop Jennifer. Scott keeps pushing on and on, breaking the suprnatural barrier. A newly empowered Deucalion watches in awe, inspired at this display and witnesses as Scott fully awakens his True Alpha status, fully overcoming Jennifer's barrier.
Scott seriously says he's now an alpha and demands Jennifer stop the storm or he'll kill her himself.
Reminded of his humanity and truthfulness, Deucalion steps in, saying killing her won't change his werewolf eyes. So the alpha decides to prevent Scott from becoming a killer, and does it himself, slashing Jennifer's throat, mortally wounding her. Jennifer falls back, incapacitated, as her true form. The storm stops with Jennifer's threat put to an end.
Melissa, Stilinski, Chris Argent, Isaac, Stiles and Alllison are saved.

The two Wolves then leave a solemn Deucalion alone.
More Bad than Good
Deucalion becomes aware the Calavera family of hunters have captured Derek. Having also found out the mercenary Braeden survived his attempt to kill her, he hires her to rescue Derek from the Calaveras. Braeden accepts his job, heading to Mexico to save Derek.
Theo and his Pack start tracking down Deucalion, which Scott finds out through Mason, via Corey.
Scott finds Deucalion first and puts two and two together that Theo wants to learn from Deucalion how to steal the power from the Beast of Gevaudan. To repay Scott for sparing him months last year, the True Alpha alerts the Deucalion of this, then enlists him to undermine Theo. Deucalion accepts and presents himself to be blind again+ .
The Sword and the Spirit
Theo's Pack, Tracy, Corey and Josh find Deucalion and after great strife and pain on their part, they bring him to the The Dread Doctors' operating theatre. Deucalion is hooked up to a contraption injecting the trapped Alpha with wolfsbane to weaken him.

The blind Alpha tells Theo he knows about the resurrected Beast of Gevaudan and that he wants Deucalion will show him how to steal its power. Theo, pleased, thinks Deucalion wants to make a deal. He invites the trapped Alpha to just tell him what he wants.
Deucalion: "I want his eyes. On the tips of my claws. I want the eyes of Scott McCall."
Lie Ability
The Beast of Beacon Hills

"You and me Derek, or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one on one?" - Kali to Derek Hale
"I didn't understand why I had to kill her too. She was harmless. But I did it because you wanted me to. I did everything you asked to be a part of this pack." - Kali to Deucalion
Kali was, prior to the series, an alpha, the head of her pack and her love Julia Baccari was her emissary. Kali was recruited by the alpha, Deucalion alongside Ennis, to form a the Alpha Pack. She accepted the offer, killed all of her former pack to join, and was to do the same to Julia, but instead left her to die in peace. Kali became second in the pack as well as involved with Ennis. In Season 3, Kali, as part of the Alpha Pack, are in Beacon Hills, California to recruit alpha Derek Hale and then Scott McCall who has the potential to be a True Alpha. Kali participates with the alphas' plan to force Derek into joining them. They abduct his pack Erica Reyes, Boyd and his long-lost sister Cora Hale to lure him into a trap, with Kali killing a defiant Erica. The tension between the two packs leads to an all-out-battle, which results in Ennis being severely injured. Deucalion lies to Kali that Ennis had died from fighting Derek, and she swears revenge on Derek unless he joins in repentance. The alphas, including Kali redirect their attention to the Darach whom is committing human sacrifices in a move against them. She discovers the dark druid's identity: Jennifer Blake who is actually Julia, her old emissary having sworn revenge against Kali and the Alphas for attempting to kill her. Kali takes on Jennifer in combat but is outmatched and killed.
Kali is a formidable, strong-willed and proud woman with a sense of conviction, being the leader of her pack. She is unafraid to speak her mind but is blunt to the point of being arrogant and tactless.
"They killed one of ours!"
"One of yours. Why should I care about one of your pack?" - Kali to Ennis
These hot-headed characteristics of hers were most likely what Deucalion coveted so to bring Kali over to his new monstrous cause and recruit her for his new alpha pack. As a result Kali is a savage werewolf, being immensely bloodthirsty, ruthless and sadistic, has a dark sense of humor and displays no remorse for betraying and slaughtering her previous pack, drunk from subsuming their collective power. Like Deucalion, Kali is very smug and fanatical over her immense power and reputation as part of the alphas.
"Tell him what it's like, Kali, to kill one of your own."
"Hmmm ... liberating." - Deucalion and Kali describe killing their betas
Kali has a commanding presence, no sense of fear and is an effective leader, naturally being Deucalion's second. She is very loyal to Deucalion, follows his orders unquestionably even if she doesn't always agree with them as she scoffed at the idea of Scott and Derek joining the Alpha Pack, not considering them worthy of the privilege. At first though however, Kali's loyalty was transmutable: she only joined the pack to be with Ennis at first. Her previous loyalty to her emissary Julia reached far enough to simply leave Julia to die in peace after mauling her, going against Deucalion's order. Typical for a werewolf, Kali is extremely vengeful, blindly swearing revenge against Derek for her lover Ennis' death. Kali's ruthlessness and thirst for vengeance blinded her however that she paid no heed Marin Morrell's (truthful) claims that her leader was who actually killed Ennis, showing her poor sense of judgement which ultimately leading to her undoing. Kali never backed down from Jennifer (Julia) and her impending death.
"I ... I - I should have ... I SHOULD HAVE RIPPED YOUR HEAD OFF!!" - Kali's final words
In the past, Kali became the lead alpha of her pack.

Kali: "One of yours. Why should I care about one of your pack?"
A little while later, upon the declaration of war upon Packs by Gerard Argent, Kali was recruited by a spiralling, corrupt Deucalion to form the basis of the Alpha Pack. Kali accepted, partially to be with Ennis, hinting she and Ennis were having an affair. To join, Kali went on to murder her whole Pack to add all their individual power to hers.

When the Alpha Pack were at the height of their power, Kali rose and became Deucalion's right hand. At the time of Season 2, the Alphas arrived to Beacon Hills having taken notice of Derek Hale's rise to Alpha status. They captured Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd and Cora Hale holding them captive at Beacon Hills First National Bank to set a trap for Derek. Erica attempted to fight back, but the malicious Alpha easily killed her.
The Alpha Pack moves into position to recapture Isaac Lahey and taking care of the mercenary Braeden. Kali heads to Beacon Hills Hospital and disguises herself as a nurse.

"Count along with me, Isaac." (Holds up her shifted fingertips) "One. Two. Three."

Kali, along with the whole pack of alphas, infiltrates the high school and corner Braeden, who puts up a decent fight. Kali delivers Braeden the dealing blow. The subordinates back away as Deucalion confronts their target.
Chaos Rising

While on patrol with Deucalion and Ennis, Kali pauses for a short second by a supply closet. Allison Argent had infiltrated the bank and was hiding inside. Allison however, evades the malicious alpha's sense of smell by spilling ammonia to hide her scent.
Kali shrugs off her suspicion and walks on.

After Ennis restrains Cora, Kali challenges Derek. The younger alpha goes up against the malicious woman. Kali easily outmaneuvers and parries his strikes. She then rips off a rusty old pipe from up ahead, overpowers Derek and knocks him flat on his face, then impales him with the pipe through the chest, to subdue and torture him. Deucalion enters the loft.

Deucalion: "Sorry about this, Derek. I asked Kali to be gentle, but ... "
Kali: "This is me being gentle."
Deucalion scolds Derek for his assumption that they're there to kill him, then makes conversation. Kali has held the pipe in Derek long enough for him to bleed black ooze. Cora screams at Kali she's killing her brother. Kali waves a finger at the beta saying, "Not yet, little sister" in an endearing but dangerous tone. She advises her leader to get to the point of their presence.

Deucalion: "Tell him what it's like Kali, to kill one of your own.
Kali: "Hmm. Liberating.
Deucalion explains his proposition that if Derek kills one of his own, he'll absorb his beta's powers and abilities. The leader agrees with Kali that Derek looks like his mother.
With their intentions made, Kali removes the pipe from Derek's torso, and the alphas make their way out of the loft with Kali guiding her leader out.
The Overlooked
Alpha Pact
Lunar Ellipse

Ethan and Aiden share unique abilities being twin shapeshifters. They have the innate talent to merge their bodies together into a single more powerful werewolf form. This merged wolf shape was colloquially named Voltron Wolf by Stiles Stilinski. After Voltron Wolf is killed by Jennifer Blake, the twins lose their talent to meld together.
The twins also have a synchronization trait; one brother is able to feel whenever the other is in pain.
"Ethan, I always forget. How many bones in the human body?" "I don't know. Let's count." - the twins bullying Isaac Lahey
"If Deucalion asks, would you kill him (Danny)?" "If Deucalion asks you, would you kill me?!" - Aiden and Ethan
"You hesitated!" "I pulled back. There's a difference!" - the twins merging back into individuals
Ethan and Aiden Steiner were hereditary werewolves, born with their lycanthropy. Earlier in their life, the twins were members of a pack which had a notorious reputation, their alpha having been the worst. This pack was particularly notable for having the werewolf species being villified as monsters.
The twins lived a miserable life with their pack, they would always be the ones who bore the brunt of the pack's aggressiveness; they were abused, bullied by all their fellow betas, and were labelled the "bitches" or "omegas" being at the bottom rank of the group. Because they lacked control over their shapeshifting and their merging talent, Ethan and Aiden couldn't fight back against their abusers. They stayed with the pack solely out of survival.
The twins' lives changed once they met Deucalion. The Demon Wolf was interested in Ethan and Aiden seeing the advantages of having a merged alpha in his pack. He taught them how to fight, how to control their shapeshifting and to harness their merging ability. As a result, their individual power and strength grew under Deucalion's tutelage. At last, the twins' were finally able to harness their inner ability to fuse themselves safely into one.
Right away, Ethan and Aiden challenged the entirety of their abusers. In their melded form, after Deucalion's training, they took on the entire pack. The twins then took down and killed their way up the pack one by one, until they saved their alpha for last. Once they cornered him, he begged the twins for mercy, but they killed him anyway. Because Ethan and Aiden had killed their alpha while merged, their fused form rose to alpha rank, and once they separated back into individuals, the usurped alpha status fell to both of them. Now having gained alpha rank, and finally having vengeance on their abusers, and indebted to Deucalion, the twins pledged their loyalty to him, becoming members of his Alpha Pack.
Regulating their biological wolf age to late teens to mid-twenties, Ethan and Aiden, because of their youthful charm, carried out honey-traps on enemies during missions for the pack. In their fused alpha form, they also provided the muscle, being physical enforcers for their superiors. Soon afterwards, this pack became the most powerful and most fearsome in the mid-West.

Ethan Steiner is the twin brother of Aiden Steiner. Both were werewolves from being bitten by their alpha and have talent to meld their bodies into the form, Voltron Wolf. In Season 3, Ethan and Aiden are both alphas status and members of Deucalion's Alpha pack. The twins, as part of the Alpha Pack, are initially in Beacon Hills to recruit Derek Hale and later attempt to recruit potential True Alpha Scott McCall. Ethan and his brother enroll in Beacon Hills high school and he starts going out with Danny Mahealani to gain leverage on the high school's supernaturals. The alphas carry out an assault against Derek's pack which results in fellow alpha Ennis' death, then they have Vernon Boyd killed, to Ethan's guilt. After the the Darach targets Danny, Ethan genuinely falls for him, then softens towards Scott. During the fight against the Darach, Ethan learns it was Deucalion who had actually killed Ennis and defects from the alphas. Ethan and his brother fight Jennifer Blake as Voltron Wolf, but fail. The twins survive, but their alpha power and merging talent is broken and they fall to omega rank. After the Alpha Pack's disbanding, Ethan and Aiden decide to remain in Beacon Hills. They seek Scott out to join his pack, but Scott denies them entry particularly for their part in Boyd's murder. Ethan and his brother align with Scott's allies against the threats of the oni and the Nogitsune, and eventually conform to Scott's moral code. Ethan and Aiden, taking inspiration from Derek's advice so to become part of Scott's pack, join him in making a final stand against the dark trickster. This eventually leads to Stiles being freed from posession, the nogitsune being imprisoned, and the oni being destroyed, but at the cost of Aiden's life. A grieving Ethan holds his dying brother, then decides to leave town. He parts ways with the pack on good terms as well as Danny, lighthearted that Danny knew all along he was a werewolf.
Ethan is openly gay. He is more aloof, level-headed, intelligent, sensitive and reserved compared to his twin. He is intelligent, calculating and feels guilt for his actions. Though similarly to his brother, he displays a sense of honor in joining the Alpha Pack out of fealty and later assisting Scott and his allies against the Nogitsune earning redemption. Ethan is also gay.
Ethan and Aiden's last name was never revealed throughout the show. Teen Wolf writer Will Wallace revealed on Twitter their last name - see here.
- English, with Aiden and Scott

Braeden is riding away on a motorcycle with a bloodied Isaac sitting behind her. Ethan runs down the road giving chase at enhanced speed. Going neck and neck with the bike, Ethan swipes away at the bike with his claws to have it run over before Aiden catches up. The twins chase after the bike, attempting all manner of trying to take the bike down and intimidating Braeden into submission, but the human woman hangs.
The chase continues throughout the district until the twins chase Braeden's bike through a window. Isaac, exhausted droops on the woman's shoulder and they fall to the ground.

Ethan then gets down on one knee and hand, Aiden impales his brother in the back with his claws and they triggers their merging talent. Seconds later after writhing from the backlash of the merge the twin stand before Isaac and the injured mercenary as Voltron Wolf. Snarling, they move in to attack Isaac and Braeden, both knowing their power now far surpasses his.
However, Braeden comes to, and shouts at Isaac to duck, while Ethan and Aiden rush forward with their attack. Braeden fires her modified military grade taser, and an electric bolf hits the Voltron Wolf square in the chest. The merged wolf falls back from the shock, spliting back into two separate individuals. In the electrical flash, the twins however, recover before Braeden and Isaac regain their senses.

Ethan and his brother rally their pack, then all five alphas converge together at the high school and corrall Braeden into the locker room. They collectively attack the mercenary eventually bringing her down and leave her to their leader.
Chaos Rising

The twins are then seen in the library. Ethan then makes a pass at, and makes friendly conversation with Danny Mahealani, just as Aiden flirting with Lydia. It is revealed that Ethan was originally only friendly with Danny to see if he was a possible threat to the Alpha pack's plan.

The students take off, the twins running ahead and Isaac has taken their bait. The alpha brothers gleefully rush ahead of their classmates with their prey in hot pursuit, falling into their trap. Once they are out of plain sight, they rush off the track and preparing to ambush the beta, they hide their presence and mask their scent.

Aiden: "Ethan, I always forget. How many bones in the human body?
Ethan: "I don't know ... Let's count!" - (Gets a right-hook by Scott)
Scott: "That's one."
Aiden snarls at Scott, while Ethan quickly recovers, angrily snapping his jawbone back into place. He and his brother then face-off with the betas, and all four werewolves prepare for a two-on-two scrap, but are interrupted by screams. Everybody regroups with the class surrounding a deceased teenage boy Kyle killed in the manner of the threefold death. Ethan and his twin share a look, knowing this is a human sacrifice.
Ethan and his brother are later seen at the high school, easily drawing Isaac out with their scent again. A fuming Isaac exits out of chemistry class and comes face to face with the twins. Isaac charges forward but then Aiden suddenly punches his brother and Isaac stops confused. Ethan stumbles from the blow, but shrugs it off and gets right back up. Isaac just looks at them in confusion.

Danny: "You alright?
Ethan: "Yeah, he just ... just came at me."
The twins succeed in framing Isaac for attacking Ethan and land him in lunchtime detention. Isaac is to restock the supply closet with Allison. Knowing Isaac has severe claustrophobia, they place a vending machine against the door, trapping Isaac inside with Allison, triggering his werewolf bloodlust. Scott subdues Isaac and the trio decide to get back at the twins.

Scott ad Isaac are feeling giddy for having got back at the twins, when Ethan and Aiden corner them in the hallway, both brothers' expressions murderous.

Just then, Deucalion silently shows up in the hallway. His presence alone makes the merged twins cease their attack and stand down. The merged werewolf dissolves back into individuals with contrite expressions, while Deucalion uncaps the dagger in his cane. The twins have their cheeks slashed simultaneously, then follow their leader out of the school.
Ethan is sitting with Danny on a road trip with the cross country team. Throughout the bus journey, Ethan keeps checking his phone. He says that he has a sick relative that might not make it through the night, referring to Ennis. Flashbacks throughout the episode show the Ethan and Aiden in merged form fighting for the Alpha pack.
Motel California
Ethan pairs up with Danny for rooms. The are making out when Ethan starts to hallucinate. He leaves the room to go and kill himself. Stiles, Lydia and Allison find him and stop him. The next morning, he tells Scott that he thinks Derek is still alive. He also says that the Alpha Pack blame Derek for the death of Ennis and say that he has to join their pack or be hunted down by Kali.
Ethan brings Danny to the hospital when he has shortness of breath and chest pains. While at the hospital, Ethan admits that he and Aiden went after Lydia and Danny because they knew one of them would be important to Scott. Later, Ethan and Aiden hold Jennifer Blake captive at Derek's loft. While there, they help kill Boyd.
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Aiden tells Ethan to stop seeing Danny. Ethan reveals the twins past to Stiles and Scott; the twins were the Omegas of the pack, they were always the last to eat and first to be abused. Deucalion found them and taught them how to merge together. This allowed them to eliminate their pack one by one until they killed the alpha together, making them alpha's. Ethan and Scott then stop Aiden and Cora fromfighting each other. At the end of the episode Ethan and Aiden are seen at the concert.
The Overlooked
Ethan and Aiden searched the hospital for Jennifer. They have several physical encounters with Scott, Derek, Peter, Allison, and Chris.
Alpha Pact
Ethan and Aiden along with Deucalion and Kali hunt down Ms Morrell.
Lunar Ellipse
Ethan goes to the animal clinic to ask Lydia for help to stop Aiden and Kali from killing Derek. The twins merge together and try to fight Jennifer in Derek's loft. Jennifer breaks their necks. They survive thanks to Deaton, although they are no longer alphas. They also lose their ability to merge together.
More Bad Than Good
Although Ethan and Aiden are not alphas anymore, Scott seeks them out to help him control his werewolf side. They teach him control and to not be afraid to unleashed it when necessary.
Ethan and Aiden attempt to join Scott's pack. Scott turns them down. The help Scott and his pack find William Barrow.
At Danny's Halloween party. Both Aiden and Ethan are marked by the Oni.
Aiden and Ethan try to gain Scott's trust by offering protection. They help protect when the Oni show up at Scott's house.
Letharia Vulpina
Ethan and Aiden help Scott find Stiles. Ethan tries to save Danny from one of the Nogitsune's trap by tackling him and kissing him in the woods.
Echo House
Aiden and Ethan help Scott find a scroll that belonged to Silverfinger.
Ethan says that he and Aiden might not stay in school. They become controlled by the Nogitsune and fight with Issac, Allison and Kira.
When Ethan and Aiden are trying to find Lydia, they are shot at with Wolfbane bullets. They are saved by Derek despite being hit several times.
The Divine Move
Ethan and Aiden want to run, but Derek convinces them to stay. Aiden is killed. Ethan decides to leave Beacon Hills, California. While breaking up with Danny, he says that he knew Ethan was a werewolf the whole time.

Aiden Steiner, as well as his twin brother Ethan Steiner, is a born werewolf. The brothers have the talent to merge into the werewolf form, Voltron Wolf. In Season 3, Aiden, alongside his brother, has alpha status and are part of the fearsome alpha Deucalion's Alpha Pack. The alphas are present in Beacon Hills, California to assault then coerce local alpha Derek Hale into joining them and later, to recruit Scott McCall after his potential to be a True Alpha is revealed. As their part of the mission, Aiden and his brother enroll at Beacon Hills high school as new students, and Aiden start an affair with Lydia Martin to gain leverage over Scott and Derek. Aiden follows and carries out Deucalion's orders to undermine the local pack members without question all while sleeping with Lydia, but after he helps murder Vernon Boyd, she confronts him and he displays remorse. Aiden and his brother as Voltron Wolf battle Jennifer Blake, the Darach, but they lose. The twins survive but lose their merging talent, alpha power, and they regress to omegas. Aiden and his brother decide to stay in Beacon Hills and atttempt to join Scott's pack, but Scott refuses. Aiden continues his liaison with Lydia but he shows more of a conscience when she puts distance from him over his past actions. Aiden and his brother become allies to Scott's pack against the threats of the Oni and Stiles Stilinski being possessed by the Nogitsune. Aiden and his brother take Derek's advice that to become part of Scott's pack, they fight for his cause, standing with him against the nogitsune to save Stiles' life. Aiden and his brother fight off the oni and manage to destroy them but Aiden is killed. Aiden dies being held by his brother Ethan, humbled and that Lydia knew he did good.
More spontaneous than his brother, Aiden is impulsive, cocky and prone to violence. Most likely to being abused and mistreated in his youth by his own pack members, Aiden does whatever is necessary to survive, eagerly engages in violence and indulges in using his alpha powers as part of the Alpha Pack to dominate and bully those who were weaker than him. Though the more bloodthirsty of the twins, Aiden does care for his twin and eventually shows remorse when Lydia tells him he is a bad guy. Like his brother he has a sense of honor, as he displayed fealty towards Scott's allies for their conflict with the Alpha Pack.
Ethan and Aiden's last name was never revealed throughout the show. Teen Wolf writer Will Wallace revealed on Twitter their surname - see here.
Season 3
- English, with Ethan and Scott
- Biology, with Lydia and Danny
At night, Aiden and Ethan are out on the streets of Beacon Hills, attempting to recapture teenage beta Isaac Lahey, who had escaped from the alphas' lair back at the bank with the help of the mercenary called Braeden. They pinpoint their targets' location and move on a high-speed chase through the streets.

The chase continues throughout the district until the twins chase Braeden's bike through a window. Isaac, exhausted droops on the woman's shoulder and they fall to the ground. Aiden and his brother then move in on their targets, walking in tandem, zeroing in on the weaker werewolf. The twins continue to advance on Isaac determined to snatch and bring their hostage back. Claws out, they rip off their tops, taunting Isaac. The weaker werewolf can only just crawl but resolutely stares back at his tormentors.

However, Braeden comes to, and shouts at Isaac to duck, while Ethan and Aiden rush forward with their attack. Braeden fires her modified military grade taser, and an electric bolf hits the merged twins square in the chest. The merged wolf falls back from the shock, spliting back into two separate individuals. In the electrical flash, Aiden and Ethan however, recover before Braeden and Isaac can regain their senses.

The twins eventually spot Braeden talking to Lydia Martin and Allison Argent. They disperse and rally their superiors to the high school.
The twins with the rest of the alphas chase Braeden down at the school, They corral her into the locker room. All five alphas attack the mercenary who puts up a good fight nonetheless, but she is eventually incapacitated. They then hand Braden off to Deucalion.
Chaos Rising

The twins are then seen in the library. His brother makes friendly with Danny. Aiden is seen in conversation with Lydia Martin. He later revealed that the only reason he talked to Lydia was because he knew that she may be important to Scott.

Once they have an opportunity, they rush off the track and mask their scent. Once the beta rounds the corner and looks around they ambush him, sending him tumbling across the terrain.
The alpha brothers then capture Isaac in an unrelenting hold. Isaac stares back up at the bullies with contempt.
Aiden: "Ethan, I always forget. How many bones in the human body?
Ethan: "I don't know. Let's count.

Both parties regroup with the class, with everybody looking in horror at a young male murdered and strung up against a tree. Aiden shares a look with his brother knowing it's a druidic sacrifice.
Later in the day, the twins draw Isaac out with scent again during class time. The alphas side by side face down the beta in the hallway. A fuming Isaac charges towards the brothers, eager to get back at them.

Aiden is next seen flirting with Lydia, asking to meet with her tonight, within Scott's hearing range, now plotting to get on the other beta's nerves. Later on when Isaac is assigned to restock the supply closet with Allison Argent. The twins have now shoved a vending machine against the closet door, knowingly triggering Isaac's claustrophobia so he'd have a meltdown, and this nearly has him savaging Allison if not for Scott's interference.
Aiden and his brother are both in the last class of the day, Jennifer Blake's English class.

Aiden: "Get off my bike!!"
Isaac: "No problem.
Isaac casually flips over Aiden, landing several feet away leaving Aiden standing next to his bike, just as the school sees him with his bike in the middle of the hallway. Jennifer is angry yelling at a surprised Aiden he's suspended for his apparent shenanigan. The twins glance in Allison, Scott and Isaac's direction and are pissed.
Isaac and Scott are pleased to have gotten revenge on the twins just as Aiden and his brother walk up to them with expressions that scream murder.

The melded twins give chase, outmatching the two werewolves, roaring gleefully. All of a sudden, Deucalion appears, and the merged twin is immediately submissive. He dissolves back into individuals Ethan and Aiden. Their leader swiftly slashes them both across their faces with the dagger in his cane. The fuming twins then follow Deucalion out of the building, but not before giving looks at the betas promising payback.

Lydia: "Your hands." (Aiden removes his hands from her waist) "What am I? A nun? Put them somewhere useful."
Aiden: (hoists her up and cups her backside) "Is that better?"
Lydia: "Moderately."
Aiden is shown in flashbacks during the fight between the Alpha Pack and Derek's pack. He is also shown in a flashback making out with Lydia. He later helps Kali get treatment for Ennis by Deaton. He comforts her after Ennis dies.
Aiden is first seen in the episode making out with Lydia. Later, both he and Ethan hold Jennifer captivae during the attack on Derek's loft. They help with the killing of Boyd while there.
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Aiden tells Ethan to stop talking to Danny. He is later seen making out with Lydia until she confronts him about killing Boyd. Aiden fights with Cora in the changing room until Ethan and Scott stop him. Aiden is seen at the concert with Ethan.
The Overlooked
Aiden and Ethan search the hospital looking for Jennifer Blake. They have multiple physical encounters with Scott, Derek, Peter, Allison and Chris.
Alpha Pact
Aiden and Ethan help Deucalion and Kali hunt down Ms Morrell.
Lunar Ellipse
Aiden and Kali go to kill Derek iin his loft. Ethan and Lydia go to convince them not to. While there, Jennifer shows up. The twins merge together and attack Jennifer. She breaks their neck. Deaton manages to save Aiden and Ethan. They are no longer Alphas and they can no longer merge together.
More Bad Than Good
Although Aiden and Ethan are not Alphas anymore, Scott seeks them out to help him control his werewolf side now that he is an Alpha. They teach him control and not be afraid to turn.
Aiden and Ethan try to join Scott's pack. But Scott says that he doesn't trust them and turns them down. When police say that William Barrow has been sighted near the school, the twins help Scott's pack search for him.
Trying to prove to Lydia that he is not a "bad-guy", Aiden helps Danny set up a Halloween party. While there, he is marked by the Oni.
Aiden and Ethan offer protection to Scott to try and gain his trust so that they may join his pack. They help protect him when the Oni try to mark Scott and Kira at Scott's house.
Aiden helps Lydia search for Stiles. He tells Derek of his suspicions that Stiles helped Barrow.
Letharia Vulpina
Ethan and Aiden help Scott find Stiles
Echo House
Aiden and Ethan help Scott find a scroll that belonged to Silverfinger.
Ethan says that he and Aiden might not stay in school. They become controlled by the Nogitsune and fight with Isaac, Allison and Kira.
Aiden and Ethan try to find Lydia. While looking for her, they are shot with wolfbane bullets. They are saved by Derek despite being shot by several bullets.
The Divine Move
Ethan and Aiden want to run, but Derek convinces them to stay and fight. Aiden kills an Oni with one of Allison's silver arrowheads. As he does, he gets stabbed in the stomach. It's a fatal wound. Ethan cradles his brother while he's dying. Aiden asks him if it hurts him, too. He then laments that Lydia will never know that he died as one of the good guys, but Derek vows to tell her because she'll believe him.

Voltron Wolf is the name of the werewolf entity manifested by the werewolf brothers Ethan and Aiden Steiner, whimsically coined by Stiles Stilinski. The twins had the talent to merge with each other to form a single werewolf form being twin werecreatures. Earlier in their life, the twins lacked the ability to properly merge and control the Voltron Wolf. The corrupted augmented alpha Deucalion came across the twins and taught them how to control the merged form. After training from the Demon Wolf, the twins successfully merged into 'Voltron Wolf' for the first time in their lives. As 'Voltron Wolf', the twins proceeded to take down then slaughtered the entirety of their vicious pack. Finally the twins hunted down their alpha, killed him and Voltron Wolf attained alpha status whilst merged and so alpha status fell to both Ethan and Aiden. In Season 3A, during the Alpha Pack's plan of assault against the Beacon Hills werewolves, Ethan and Aiden formed Voltron Wolf whilst tracking their escaped hostage Isaac Lahey and the mercenary Braeden. The twins then displayed Voltron Wolf when they antagonized Isaac and Scott. The twins frequently merged into Voltron Wolf during the skirmish between the Alpha Pack and Derek's. Voltron Wolf was last used by the twins to fight against Jennifer Blake, the Darach. The Druidic serial killer overpowered the merged werewolf, killing the Voltron Wolf. Ethan and Aiden managed to survive as individuals however, but their ability to merge was now lost and their alpha spark broken.
Rules & Abilities
The twins need physical contact with each other to initiate the merge into Voltron Wolf.
When they are merged, Ethan and Aiden's strength, speed and power as werecreatures are exponentially heightened. Their minds and subconscious also work in tandem. Each brother can feel and comprehend the other's mindset.
Aiden: "You hesitatated!"
Ethan: I pulled back. There's a difference!

Ennis, a decade before the series' time, was the lead alpha of his pack. He was recruited by the corrupt alpha, Deucalion to form the Alpha Pack. Ennis accepted the offer, killing all of his betas and his emissary to take their power to join, alongside fellow alpha Kali whom he was romantically involved with. In Season 3, Ennis, as part of the Alpha Pack, arrives in Beacon Hills having taken notice of Derek Hale's rise to Alpha status and Scott McCall's True Alpha potential. Ennis goes along with the alphas to assault, manipulate and dominate Derek's Pack for their own ends, kidnapping Derek's Pack and family Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd and Cora Hale, offering Derek a place with them and igniting an all out battle with the Beacon Hills werewolves to this end. Ennis is injured in the scrap, then is betrayed by Deucalion who uses him to further his own plans for Derek and Scott and to take his own augented power, killing him.
Ennis is the strong, silent type, not very talkative, and prefers to take action instead of being diplomatic and reasonable. As the leader of his pack, he was arrogant, pompous and proud. An extremely aggressive werewolf, Ennis made amoral, barbaric decisions. He declared war with the Argents' hunter clan with the excuse that they killed one of his, eschewing responsibility that his beta made unwise decisions and had killed two of their people. He also decided, that to replace his fallen member, he'd recruit an innocent teenager, Paige Krasikeva, who was blind to the supernatural, viciously Biting her without her consent, with the insinuation he'd be in good graces with Talia Hale, because of Paige's tie to Derek Hale. Ennis' aggression and violent tendencies are proven further by his murdering his remaining pack to take their power, showing he could be corrupted and manipulated similarly to Kali, traits that obviously were the reason Deucalion recruited him. Ennis' pride and arrogance were only made worse by his place as part of the Alpha Pack.
Ten years, give or take, before the events of the series, Ennis was the lead alpha of his Pack. At some point, a naive and dangerous beta of his unwisely came to be in the company of two of the Argents' people, and he accidentally killed them.

"They dragged him here. An arrow in his throat. They hung him. Cut him in half. They killed one of ours!" - Ennis
A vengeful Ennis sought the aid of neighbouring packs including Talia Hale, Deucalion and Kali to strike back and left a revenge spiral carved into the wall of the abandoned distillery as a message, swearing revenge. When his beta's body was detained in the hospital morgue, Ennis demanded the corpse be released to him. He nearly beat up a hospital employee until he was calmed by Deputy Stilinski, saying they weren't related. Ennis talks back saying he was family to him.

Some time later, after the declaration of war upon the Packs instigated by Gerard Argent, Ennis was recruited by a corrupted Deucalion to form what would become the fearsome and dastardly Alpha Pack. Ennis accepted. He murdered the rest of his Pack, his Emissary to subsume all their power, and joined. Kali also accepted as she was involved with Ennis.
Season 3

Just as he enters the elevator Ennis detects someone behind him. The teenaged werewolf Scott McCall makes eye contact with Ennis with a captive Isaac, identifying the older werewolf. Scott claws out, growls and rushes to protect his friend, but Ennis smirks, displaying his own claws, accepting the challenge. He allows Scott to rush into the doors.

Ennis: "Don't you realize what you're dealing with? I'm an alpha!"
The elevator doors opens and Derek Hale bursts in, having heard the fight. Derek instantly claws Ennis in the back rescuing the two Betas. Derek throws Ennis out of the elevator and the ousted alpha lands on the floor.

Ennis, the twins and Kali take turns in overpowering her, though Braeden puts up a good fight.
But they incapacitate her in the end and leave her to Deucalion.
Ennis and Kali break into Derek's loft and attack Cora and Derek Hale respectively. Ennis overpowers Cora easily, pinning her. He then taunts Derek, grinning.
"Ready for a rematch?"


The lead alpha however had anticipated this, having Ennis, Kali and the twins in turn converge on Derek's pack, catching them all off-guard, Ennis himself coming up from the market's lower level with his claws and fangs out. Derek makes the first move, attempting to take out Deucalion. Immediately, an all-out scrap sparks between the two packs.

Before Derek makes a decision, Allison Argent appears on an overhead ledge and fires flashbang arrows, blinding and distracting the far more formidable alphas turning the tide allowing Derek's pack to recover.

Ennis crashes into Scott, but suddenly, the teenager fends him off with equal strength. Scott's werewolf eyes are now an alpha's red, to Ennis' confusion. Unbeknownst to both, Deucalion catches notice of this, knowing Scott has potential to be a true alpha. Once Scott's eye colour changes back to gold, Ennis readies to attack again, but Derek attacks from behind with a sneak attack.

The two continue to fight, their scrap edging closer and closer to the edge of the supermarket's floor. Scott attempts to give Derek his aid, and slashes Ennis' calf from behind. This causes both Ennis and Derek who still have each other in their claws to topple over the edge. The two alphas fall two floors down, landing on a stairwell and are unconscious. Ennis and Derek are revealed to have survived the fall, but Ennis is severely injured.

Deucalion: "And the prognosis?"
Ennis: "Surprisingly optimistic. He's going to make it."

Right afterwards, the blind alpha crushes Ennis' skull, killing his subordinate alpha instead, as well as taking his power. Right afterward, Deucalion lies to his pack, saying that Ennis died from his injuries from fighting Derek. Kali lets a grieving roar and swears revenge unless Derek is to join their pack, as her treacherous leader intended.
After the alphas depart the clinic, Morrell covers Ennis' corpse with a white sheet.